
pantrypuff - 2005-12-14 15:37:36
I'm sorry things are so tough right now. Money stuff always makes me stress. But I had to say, your line about the kkk costumes cracked me up :)
thegoodbiboy - 2005-12-14 15:37:42
Fuck the holidays/Christmas/Kwaanza/etc.. I agree.
x-plicity - 2005-12-14 15:47:44
Happy Merry ChrisHanuKwanukah...priceless...
retailharlot - 2005-12-14 15:58:17
Joaquin. Oh jeez. Another that I forgot to add to my list. Maybe I am a typical celeb-crusher after all... I liked myself better when I could only think of two. But hey, at least it's not Brad Pitt or Justin Timberlake! ... And for what it's worth, I can relate to the depression thing. I'm there too, but of course, I don't have a gaggle of kids and moronic man to deal with. I hope things improve.
jess - 2005-12-14 17:06:19
Goddamn, fuck, shit, piss, wank, bullshit, cocksucker, motherfucker, tittyfucker, every kind of fuckwad cum dribble, and fuckity wank splot! Did that at least crack a smile on your face? I hope so! xoxo - me
Alexis - 2005-12-14 17:18:54
I feel the exact same way right now...about everything! Wanna run away to Jamacia with me?
Joaquin Phoenix - 2005-12-14 17:41:27
You're crazy. I'm not the least bit hot.
almostnormal - 2005-12-14 20:28:11
Have you ever read something and it felt so true to you and you understood it so well and it was such utter bullshit and you felt like either you were the only crazy one or the only sane one left and you realized someone else was writing it and not you and then you realized someone out there feels the same way and you started LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF BECAUSE SUDDENLY IT WAS FUNNY because it wasn't you but it may as well have been? Yeah, thanks for the laugh...I feel ya sister-girlfriend. Totally. I'm more surprised than you know that I don't have a "shed" in my backyard yet. I do have a half-assed fence, in case that counts. (Thank you, I will be laughing my ass off all night. I was going to quote you, but it was like 90% of the entry, so why repost...props to you)
Brianna - 2005-12-14 20:42:48
GOD DAMN, dont we all feel the holiday stress? Naw, only special people feel it =D Be thankful Jackie, that your normal, and have normal worries, especially about money. My best friends family is loaded, and those kids GET EVERY FUCKING NEW TOY that is out there. Laptops, cell phones, iPods. GRR. Beavis is the product of your normality hunny, be thankful for him. He isnt a spoiled little brat, a whiner or anything. You have some fine kids. Even though your more grown up and have bills and such, be glad your still not a [wannabe] kid in school. Its holiday time, why dont we all throw stupid, pointless homework papers at the kids no matter how much they want to get a life until the next break. Keep a smile on, even if its fake. It takes you mind off things =D
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-12-14 21:18:42
christmas is pissing off a lot of people this year. especially the people who are in charge of buying the presents (ie. ME). I haven't bought a damn thing yet and don't even care.
grrl-blog - 2005-12-15 00:12:59
this is probably going to annoy the fuck out of you, but i am in some fucking weird post-birthday daze and am, like, happy or something for a second. so: 1. fuck christmas and don't bother with the goddamn cards. buying useless shit is no way to show love, especially when it makes you hate everyone you're getting it for. i've been boycotting xmas for a couple of years now. 2. fuck relationships, i'm sure yours is 1000 times more complicated than mine was since y'all have small people and a mortgage involved, but i say if your not happy then get rid of the dead weight. holy FUCK am i so much happier now that p and i aren't an item any longer. 3. my friend's dad got one of his nutsacks smashed to the point of amputation in a kickboxing match and managed to get married and have two children & my other friend only has one nut sack due to ball cancer. they are doing wonderful things with plastic surgery these days so if he's worried about cosmetics there are solutions...tho as a 14 year old i can't really imagine dealing with that. 4. who the hell said keep a fake smile on? fuck that. be just as shitty as you need to be and you'll find out who your real friends are real fast. 5. they don't have debtors prison anymore, so at the very least you won't be going to jail. 6. sometimes things just fucking suck, and continue to suck, for quite some time. but when that moment arrives (however brief) when you are really or basically satisfied with everything, you completely forget what you were so unhappy about. 7. i have no business giving advice to anyone, least of all someone i spy on through the internet, so feel free to say fuck off to all my commentaries. ;)
grrl-blog - 2005-12-15 00:16:53
i just re-read what a wrote and realized that i had prefaced my commentary with the notion that i was feeling to happy about things to comment on someone feeling as fucking angsty as i usually do, and then realized my entire entry was bitter and pissy. so that's my happy self, eh?...
Gumphood - 2005-12-15 09:09:45
See you at the pheasent lane mall.
Jamie - 2005-12-15 11:39:57
I feel like a complete ASSMUNCH for bitching and whining away in my diary and there you are with all this WISDOM for me and yet you are feeling like complete shit because the real world is taking huge chunks out of your ass. All I can think to say is Holidays. Really the big shitty season only comes at the end of the year, so hopefully the rest of it goes better for you. You're hub is being an ass. I'm sorry but it sounds like you are the token slave/bread winner around there and in the least you should be getting a "We'll make it thru honey, somehow or another we'll get thru this trench in the road too". I'm half tempted to drive my ass down to Hudson yelling to everyone on the street "do you know Jackie?" so I can take your ass out and let you cry on my shoulder. Yeah I'm a stalker like that. This is really long and I'm sorry. I hope you get my point. **HUGS**
Cheri - 2005-12-15 12:38:05
I just sent you an email from isn't spam! :)
Smed - 2005-12-15 15:34:28
Totally unrelated to THIS, but yes, Virginia, there was a Funk #48. It was on their debut album "Yer Album".
noo - 2005-12-16 07:54:16
somehow I missed this entry - doh! but I am here now - as for the TFIF, go for it and adapt to your hearts content - unfortunately I cannot take credit for it - I stolei t from a tv show we had here a few years ago called TFI Friday - a take on the saying TGI friday I guess. hosted by a guy called chris evans, who now hosts a show called OFI Sunday. anyhoooo, thank fuck god dammit, right?! :D go girl - hope the weekend is good for you xxx (and the dope thing - knock it on the head if it sends you in a panic - I had to stop smoking it cos of the "fear" and paranoia I got and became instantly happier and richer for it :D - eat chocolate instead!)
poeticaL - 2005-12-16 08:04:55
I think you need a hug more than I need you to cross your legs for me... poor girl. I feel ya on everything you wrote...been there done that. It all sucks. The not having parents to help there too. I relate. All you can do is write it out and get it off your chest the best you can. Oh....remember ...guy's just DON'T get it. Why we keep expecting them to is beyond me.... lol

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