
Brianna - 2005-12-19 13:05:37
Sense of humor is our escape from bad things, always has been. I do the exact same thing, try to bring the humor to the bad situations. The other day I was dragged around the arena by my trainers mustang, then fell head first into the sand and ate it. Instead of getting angry that I was humiliated infront of everyone present I laughed my ass off. Keep trucking through this 'happy' holiday. =D
Gumphood - 2005-12-19 15:02:11
That cube forced me to examine my sexuality
jess - 2005-12-19 17:43:34
LOL at Gump's comment above. That is hysterical. Jackie, this is one of my favorite entries of all time. It was so honest and heartfelt. I really admire you, and it is for all the reasons you wrote about. I wish that I could emulate you, but then again, I am still young and think everything is so dramatic. I hope that by your example, I can get over my little melodramas and learn to laugh at things. I heart you. xoxo - me
Chickpea - 2005-12-19 17:57:25
I am so calling my brother Jewbik now. I love you!
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-12-20 19:53:19
a sense of humor is the best quality a person can have in my book! I tend to not like people who don't have a good sense of humor even if they're 'cool' or 'hot' or whatever. laughter is where it's at, baby!
almostnormal - 2005-12-20 20:49:33
At my ex-fiance's funeral (which was a suicide) I was outside having a smoke and this older couple passed by and glared at me and the dead guy's cousin (smoking with me) so I looked right at them, grinned and said, "I'm just here for the food!" They RUSHED inside and me and the cousin laughed till we were almost pissing on ourselves....I'm ALL ABOUT the inappropriate humor :)

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