
x-plicity - 2005-12-29 11:06:42
Your family is beautiful.
Tosha - 2005-12-29 11:12:45
Thanks for letting me read! I'm sorry things are so down at the moment. I hate slumps! We finally broke down and bought The Day After Tomorrow on DVD because I couldn't stand the thought of only being able to watch him when I caught it on TV. He is so yummy. Of course, my husband isn't fond of that idea, but whatever, he'll deal. Hope things get better soon!
Smed - 2005-12-29 11:29:50
That is a neat pic.
noo - 2005-12-29 11:36:56
great picture - I was conceived around about that time and born january 1970 - thinking of ya x
jess - 2005-12-29 11:41:27
I love that picture. It looks so classy. Everyone looks so classy in the 50s-60s. You cherish that picture. Your parents are gorgeous, no wonder you turned out so beautiful. :) xoxo - me
Anneliese - 2005-12-29 14:47:27
I have a question. Your brother Gary was 7, so your dad was 15 when he was born and your mom was 18? That's crazy! Somehow I think I'm missing something.
Jackie - 2005-12-29 15:16:57
Anneliese, Well, you did the math right. My mom was 18 when he was born, and I suppose my dad was 15 but I never gave that any thought--my dad was still here in the US in high school when my brother was born, he's not his "real" dad. =)
Cheri - 2005-12-29 15:36:46
Awww..don't cry baby. The picture is BEAUTIFUL. Also, I'm still waiting on the "longer" email you promised me last week!! ;) You know, in your spare time.
Kelly - 2005-12-29 19:34:32
That is a GREAT picture. Your mom looks totally kick ass in it.
jennifer - 2005-12-29 19:56:32
I never hear any stories about Gary. What does that mean? By the way, that picture is kickass on so many levels. I'm sorry you're feeling down. Hey.. if you ever want to call me, let me know.
criminal - 2005-12-30 11:08:27
That is an awesome picture. I really love it. Your parents were hot! And don't feel alone, because I just cried, too.

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