
Anneliese - 2005-12-30 17:26:08
I'm not gone from the internet, I read it! It was very well written, and your memory is amazing. It's too bad you don't have much of a relationship with Gary anymore.
jess - 2005-12-30 18:03:32
Wow Jackie-O, that is such a beautiful entry about your brother. How friggin long did it take you to write it? I love my brother to pieces, but I do not think I could have even mastered a tribute such as that. It is quite a shame that you are not much in contact anymore. But that I heart you. xoxo - me
jennifer - 2005-12-31 12:40:51
That was a beautiful and bittersweet story. It's amazing to think that it's all true. Gawsh, I just want to give you a big hug right now. That is amazing that your children's birth order is exactly the same as your mother's.

I'm so sorry about your brother. I hope that once he's middle aged, he'll regret all that time lost and try to make it up. Man, now I'm crying for your family. I blame it on being sick and hormonally imbalanced. Yeah, that's the ticket.
krissie p - 2006-01-01 11:29:05
i'm alive! (and i have become a music snob since i started working at newbury comics... its mattisyahu. hebrew.) i really enjoyed your story. you always seem to have the best. when i first saw the picture of gary i was almost comvinced that he was a bouncer at my bar when i first started there but as the story progressed i knew there was no way. i dont talk to my family much since i have moved out... i guess thats the way things go thou... i cant imagine not talking to my sisters for more than a few weeks. i did really enjoy you sharing your memories of him and letting us in... although... i guess you do that everyday with everything you write. i miss you so much and thou it might not seem like it, i think about you ALL the time... much love. happiest of new years to you.
chillier - 2006-01-03 20:56:57
Wow. What an amazing entry. There is really nothing sadder than young children that lose their mother. I'm not trying to be sappy but this seriously brought tears to my eyes.
Vicki - 2006-01-04 09:47:58
I read it. A little late, obviously, but still. Wow, Jackie. I don't care what you say, you've been through so much and you're stronger than you think and you're NOT a bad person and I totally heart you. ::sniffle::

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