
E-Beth - 2006-01-28 12:06:11
Whats worse to me is the Holy Bop or whatever it is. All the christian music sung by off key children. Don't they realize thats only cute and funny when the kid is 5 and it's only for 8 seconds? Then the scary mom talks and the kid with the big fake purple fro starts doing hideous dancing. Oh the humanity. I sorta want the Kidz bop in Spanish though. It's not by them but it's the same thing.
Brianna - 2006-01-28 13:28:40
Lol, I hate when your all comfy [in bed], and then CRAP, i stink, im greasy, I needa take a shower. Then you have to haul your ass outta bed and take a shower. No wonder Ninas kids dont have manners, she doesnt socialize them. Studying childhood education [yes, a class required by Health Academy unfournately] I know that to have good kids they should be socialized. Look at Beavis, he was your baby for years and he turned out great. Next time Nina is 10 minutes late, honk once and just leave. Its easier and she should start getting the message.
rach - 2006-01-28 17:23:47
Hmm, you know. I've never seen that movie? I have the OnDemand stuff too. My little Jessica depends on the blue's clue's channel 996 whenever she's cranky. I may watch it morrow with the little girl I'm babysitting now. She's 11, I think she'd enjoy it. I need a shower really bad too. Haven't taken one yet. My hair looks nasty. Oh well. Sorry to hear that everyone got sick. I hate having a sour stomache. Shit sucks. Eww... Anyway .. think I'mma go update or something. Later. xo- me <3
Anneliese - 2006-01-29 03:54:12
Wow, the puking disease hit there as well, huh? We all had it, but for me and Azaya it was just diarrhea, Lisetta just puked, Mike got it coming out both ends. We know some other people who got it as well. Blech.
jess - 2006-01-29 14:19:50
Awww, poor Jackie! I hope you get better soon! I cannot believe you were running around while you were still sick! You are far too kind and giving to that woman. I seriously would have booted her ass to the corner by now. I cannot believe how many nice things you do for her!!! You are far too generous. But, I love you. xoxo - me
Kelly - 2006-01-29 16:16:54
WTF. i commented to this cause I gave you a big hearty STFU! Kidz Bop = screeching out of tune kids = love, haha! And just so you know...I would love a downs kid I hate normal kids is officially best comment ever. Everyone else loses. In fact, I am seriously thinking that you need me to make you a shirt that says that, even if you just get to wear it at home.
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-01-29 20:05:58
the only thing worse than Kidz Bop? Worship Rock. That shit's for the birds! Also, your friend, Nina? Just hearing about her antics makes me cringe. I tell you what, Jackie - one day you're just going to explode and punch her in the face. I'll be cheering you on!
Cheri - 2006-01-30 10:25:42
I forgot to tell you - I'm reading a book right now that mentions Nashua a lot and every single time, I think of you. Of course, right now I can't think of the name of the book. Bah.
jennifer - 2006-01-30 22:08:42
I just had the following IM conversation with my mom. Sound familiar?

Mom:dad doesn't "do" kids. well, wake up man. we have kids, reality. he says im an absent mom. thanks. im tired. i have 1 load of clothes to fold and another to go into the dryer and i have some ironing to do.
Katherine exhausts me. when she says mama for the hundreth time in a row, well lets say it a bitr repetitive.
Me: why do you have to do that laundry right now? can't it hold off until tomorrow?
Mom: in 10 years i do not see myself married to your dad. I am looking forward to freedom. and i know that grass is always greener on the other side. but i want to do for me, everyone comes before me. it is a selfish thing to say, but i am drowning.

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