
Jamie - 2006-05-16 12:56:45
Why thanks Jackie for that title... I gots the heebie-jeebies again! Every morning I listen to Greg and the Morning Buzz and think of you and the flooding. We've been really lucky and the Connecticut River is behaving. So far. But when the fuck is the rain gonna stop?!?!
jess - 2006-05-16 13:03:58
It really is funny (even though it's not), because #1, it's Butthead...LOL...and #2, I used to steal condoms when I was in high school. Good thing I never got caught! How humiliating! Happy effin' Mother's Day for you! I love ya, though. xoxo - me
Jamie - 2006-05-16 13:06:44
Your comment thingy is being a dickhole right now :( I've tried three times now. So... if you get a bunch from me, that's why! Sorry. Thanks for the title... nightmares of granny pussy!!! AHHHHHHHH! I love your kid... condoms and an airhorn LMAO That's great! Glad to hear your out of flooding reach... it's crazy how much it's raining. Surprisingly the Connecticut River is holding. I'm thinkin' of ya!
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-05-16 13:34:30
condoms and an airhorn....lmao! I bet he was embarrased as hell!
Tosha - 2006-05-16 13:41:41
What a story you can tell to his kids later on! He will never live it down. Take care of yourself!
freetobemee - 2006-05-16 14:04:46
Glad you're okay and not under water! Beavis...HILARIOUS...CONDOMS as a joke?!?! *AIRHORN!* You don't believe that shit do ya?!'s just way too funny. Again, I'm glad you're ok.

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