
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-06-12 13:39:59
i wish you the best of luck, jackie! you need to get your husband and nina and the rest of these toxic people out of your life!
jennifer - 2006-06-12 14:04:18
I am actually relieved that you're planning all this. I, too, wish you luck. Your son is a smart kid, I think he knows what's going on. And I have a feeling he would do his part to help the family.
Kat - 2006-06-12 14:07:32
Do get yourself that job. It will surely help your peace of mind for the short term, and you'll be a giant step closer to the door when you've finally had enough. Hang in there.
jess - 2006-06-12 14:21:22
Ahh, isn't it sad that you are looking forward to working to make money and get away from your family? But, I am happy for you that you have made the decision to go back to work. Your sanity is at stake here! Love ya! xoxo - me
nancy - 2006-06-12 14:39:23
I'm glad you're maing plans for yourself. Even though working can be stressful, It'll take a lot of stress OFF you to be out of the house. Plus, you won't be everyone's "Oh Jackie can do it, she's home" anymore. And in response to your question - no, he didn't lose weight (that I know of), but he did just grow a few inches. In that photo, his hair was total bike-helmet head. But I do love it long and shaggy, too. He's too skinny for a really short cut, I think.
Jamie - 2006-06-12 18:26:11
Good for you for finally taking back some of that control and making the Hub suck it up! There is step one, step two will be getting that job and giving you back some of that self worth. Because know what? You're good enough, your smart enough, and gosh darnit people freakin' LOVE YOU! :^)
Fuzzmom - 2006-06-12 19:08:19
Damn right, Jamie! *hugs to Jackie* I wish to hell I could help you, hon.

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