
Jamie - 2006-07-17 10:49:49
OMFG I just laughed my ass off! You know if ya wanna take a trip north we have a "Ron's John" in our back yard from the workers. It's been there for a couple weeks now... baking in the sun... with no one to clean it... tempting? Hmmm? *LOL*
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-07-17 13:56:56
"cash and prizes"...lmao! dane cook uses that phrase and it always makes me LMAO! port a potties really are the worst. what the hell are people doing in there and why is everything so slimy? ugh.
jennifer - 2006-07-18 09:58:49
Quite fascinating. And your fear of a coochie-biting monster is quite real, apparently. Tye has mentioned a few times the dangers of using an outhouse. As for me, I'm one to bitch if my tp isn't Charmin. I was so miserable at Bonnaroo. There were quite a few deadheads there, as Phil Lesh and Friends were playing on the last day. There were signs everywhere that said stuff like "Even a wookie can use a toilet" to encourage use of the port-a-potties! My favorite was one of Mr. Hankey saying "I don't belong in the woods!" Needless to say, I was quite miserable. I didn't poop until we crossed the state lines into Georgia. That's about 4 days sans poop. The dehydration helped.
You HAD to bring up poop. Sheesh. You KNOW that's right up my alley.
Cheri - 2006-07-18 15:36:59
Yo...long time no type...I requested to be added to your friends list on myspace today...just so when you get it, you know it was me...

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