
jess - 2006-08-02 12:11:23
Bitches! I am jealous that you two got to meet. *fumes* xoxo - me
pantrypuff - 2006-08-02 13:16:02
I'm jealous that you always have so much fun. I'm such a loser. I never go anywhere.
lildebkitty - 2006-08-02 13:44:09
So what happened in those 10 seconds with Bo? People like me need to know these things!
Brianna - 2006-08-02 18:25:48
Turkey and cheese=) just make the cheese a different flavour and voila, barely any cookin'!
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-08-02 20:58:34
glad i'm not the only leacherous 'old' lady who enjoys checking out guys 10 years my junior. ;)
Jennifer - 2006-08-02 21:50:43
oh my god, I wish I had some drinks in me, then I would have been a lot more talkative. I was rattlin' my brain! Although it was probably best that we didn't delve too deep with the kids around. I really wanted to go back, and I was looking up info on taking a train or something, but it just didn't work out with the busy Boston itinerary. Although, it's not a total loss, because my best friend is moving to the Boston area (actually, she said she'll probably be able to afford something on the NH border) sometime this winter. Perfect for a girl that's lived in FL the second half of her life! heh. It was SO good to see you!!

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