08 September 2005 | 10:04 a.m.

"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

Here is the entry where you all will be exposed to my dangerous taste in men. I�ll readily admit that I do have a *thing* for bad boys. Not that there aren�t a bunch of totally together men that I get nuts over, too. Well, maybe not totally together, but you know what I mean. But I�ll tell you what, I loves me some bad boys.

Here are my celebrity examples. Not only do I find them attractive, but the fact that they are completely wacked-out troubled men just makes the attraction all the more stronger.

I�ll digress for a moment and say that while my husband is not standard bad boy material, he is a bad boy in his own way. He certainly qualifies as troubled, that�s for sure. Plus he�s cute, too. But anyway, onward and upward!

Here we go, in no particular order:

First, Elvis.

In 1955, he was bad. Bad, bad, bad. He needed a spanking, he was so bad. I couldn�t help him out back then, because I wasn�t born yet. But let me tell you, he was one gorgeous man back in the day. Before the white jumpsuit, I must add. I�ve seen a bunch of his movies but couldn�t tell you what they�re about, because I spend the whole time just staring at his face. That face! Beautiful. The �68 Comeback special? With the leather outfit? Holy moley, get me a towel, I�m dripping.

Next, Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem, aka Slim Shady:

I suppose it says a lot about my state of mind that when I hear him tell his mom to fuck off, it turns me on. I tried to find a pic of him with no shirt on, because he�s just got the nicest chest, but they weren�t worthy. Besides, he looks so cute with his glasses on. *hee hee*<- quote from a song of his.

And now, Robert Downey, Jr:

He just got married like last week and seems to be on the straight and narrow right now. But when he was having his problems, I just wanted to lock him up in my room and give him Sick Boy�s recipe for detox (�Relinquishing junk. Stage one, preparation. For this you will need one room which you will not leave. Soothing music. Tomato soup, ten tins of. Mushroom soup, eight tins of, for consumption cold. Ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of. Magnesia, milk of, one bottle. Paracetamol, mouthwash, vitamins. Mineral water, Lucozade, pornography. One mattress. One bucket for urine, one for feces and one for vomitus. One television and one bottle of Valium�), because I saw Trainspotting and am an expert on heroin addiction. Only not. But anyway. I loved him in �Less Than Zero�, there was some bad boy shit. I can even forgive his cute little ass (that just gets cuter with age) for being a dink in �Weird Science�.

Here�s one that even I have never been able to figure out, Danny Bonaduce:

Now there�s a troubled bad boy. And he was NOT a cute kid. I remember watching The Partridge Family and thinking he was so ugly. But then he grew up, and he grew up nice. I�m not partial to redheads at all, but he is one exception. I�d bear his red-haired little children. You know, if he weren�t married and I weren�t married and I actually stood a chance in hell. Has his new show started yet? Because THAT I must watch.

And here�s the one that made me realize that I have a thing for bad boys, Tommy Lee:

Because while I was a big Motley Crue fan back in the day when I was a teenager and he was still one, I was more into Vince Neil. Then Tommy married Pamela. And then they started having problems, and he was a wife beater, and suddenly, I fell in love with him. It was so wrong, but it felt so right. I could even forgive him for acting like a total dorktard on �Cribs� a few years back. That mad me question my love for him, because he was acting like a creepy guy on Ecstacy, and hanging out with those two retarded groupie chicks, too. But I forgave him. Now I watch his new show, and he�s a little silly there too, but he�s just so damn hot! And he�s got that whole humungous cock thing going on, which a girl can�t hate. As with Elvis, I have no idea the substance of the show, I just stare at Tommy the whole time and think bad things.

Okay. Maybe now I�ll do some work, like payroll and such.


Listening to: Weezer, "On Drugs".

Currently reading: "Hour Game" David Baldacci

Thinking about: Not a heck of a lot.