28 December 2005 | 10:56 a.m.

Very Lame Holiday Update. Just so you know.

Has it really been 5 days since my last update? It actually seems like more. It�s been kinda sorta eventful but not really. All I know Is that I am more than ready for the holidays to be done and over with for another year.

Friday night, Festivus, Hub and I went over some friends� house for a whole bunch of drinky-poos. I wasn�t up for it all day and really didn�t want to go, but I�m glad I did. I needed it.

Robert and Rhonda were there, their daughter just had a baby girl that morning at 3 am, so that was kind of exciting. I asked what they named her and they said, �Emily Rose�. To which I said, �As in �The Exorcism of�?�. Rhonda was all flustered and said, �Why does everybody keep saying that?!?�. Well, only because we�ve all been friggin Christmas shopping and it�s one of the DVDs on the impulse shelves of every department store everywhere.

Anyway. Robert�s hot friend, J, of the extreme hotness and very sexy eyes was there, newly single I might add (not that it does ME any good), and did his sexy eye flirting thing with me and I ate it the fuck up. That shit hasn�t happened to me in so long, plus I�ve been all fat and shit, so it was nice to feel attractive again. He is so hot. I don�t know what it Is, either, just a general sexiness. He�s not bad looking at all, but he just seems so much more hot than he is. I�m not the only one who thinks so, either.

Also good for the ego is the younger crowd that was there. Quite a few kids about 22 years old or so were there, and I hit it off with them great. I love that I can still get along with young people, but also? They all thought I was like 26! Yay, me! I can�t complain at all about hanging out with people for a while, and then to drop the bomb that I�m 35 and not have them believe it. I love it.

Anyway, a great night turned into a horrible morning. I haven�t been drinking much at all, so my tolerance went to shit and I spent Saturday morning in bed with a mega-hangover. No nausea at all, but a splitting headache like you wouldn�t believe. I wanted to die. At one point, it hurt so much that I was crying. Plus, it wasn�t a good day to have a hangover. I had promised Beavis I�d take him to The Mall.

I got over it around one or so, and showered up and took Beavis and the kids to The Mall. I thought it would take at least 45 minutes to get there and we�d be searching for parking in MA, but there was virtually no traffic and we found a spot fairly close to Macy�s. Amazing. It was busy, but not as busy as I�d expected. Plus, much easier because I only had one gift to buy, a sweater for Hub, so I wasn�t stressed out at all. I let the kids play in the toy dept. at Target, let them play on some virtual interactive game they had set up on the floor by Santa, and just hung out while Beavis did his shopping.

We don�t do much on Christmas Eve, so we hung out with the kids for a bit and watched �A Christmas Story�, which we hadn�t done yet this year which was just WRONG. Mickey threw a fit, he didn�t want to watch it, but by the scene were the mom is trying to get Randy to eat like the piggies, he was hooked. And of course, I had to listen to him for the next 24 hours saying, �You�ll shoot your eye out, kid!�.

Oh, and then Christmas. Well, the original plan was for my whole family to go to my aunt�s house. Ha. My uncle, who�s had one foot in the grave for the past few years (maybe even a decade, who knows), came down with pneumonia and so my aunt cancelled out. Two days before Christmas. Hooray. So, my dad said he�d come over here and we�d do Chinese food.

The kids had a great Christmas morning. They were up at 6:30. Beavis and Minnie had a plan, whoever woke up first would go wake the other one up. Well, I heard Minnie get up and go downstairs to get Beavis, who was in the kitchen making coffee! What a kid.

So, gift opening, playing with toys, Hub made eggs for breakfast, yadda yadda yadda. My dad came over, more gift opening, blah blah blah.

My dad gave me the best present of everything that I got. He had two of his & my mom�s wedding pictures blown up and framed. They got married in England in 1969. My dad was so totally hip and good looking. My mom, too, of course, but my dad took the cake. He had on this Mod type suit, with the tapered pants and funky boots with a strap across them. Anyway, these pictures will certainly be going up someplace in very open view of everyone who comes here.

We went to Nina and Jay�s for a bit, then headed over to Hub�s sister Tina�s house. The crazy drunk sister. She�s cool, though. Turns out that her 17 year old daughter is three months pregnant. (That family, let me tell you, they fucking breed like crazy. He�s got another niece, and I may have written about this recently, who is 24 or so and pregnant with her third kid. The kid�s grandmother, my sis in law Tara, is currently raising her other two kids because the bitch is unfit). Anyway, Tina turns 36 in January, and will be a 36 year old grandmother. And if you think about it, this woman could concievably be around to see her great-great grandkids. Anyway, I wouldn�t be too crazy about being a grandma this young, that�s for sure.

There was a woman in England about five years ago who became a grandmother at 26. She�d had her daughter at like 13, and then her daughter had a kid that young, too. Maybe these people are distant relatives of Hub�s? You never know.

Anyway, Tina�s house was okay. Lots of drinking and people full of shit. It�s fun in small doses.

Monday, I didn�t even shower. I got out of bed, in the clothes I�d slept in, to go to the grocery store. Got sick of no food in the house. Came home and headed over to Nina and Jay�s, where we spent the whole day, drinking beers, smoking and popping percs. Very mellow day.

I was getting pissed at Dick, though, because we didn�t hear from him on Christmas and he had gotten the kids some key items for Christmas. I was starting to think that he�d returned the shit for the money, but I finally got hold of him Monday and he still had it. Gave me some shit story about his phone not working. That�s MY story. Whatever, so we met up with him yesterday and he gave the kids their shit. They were happy to see him, he hadn�t seen them for three weeks. Ugh. That�s as much as I�m getting into this shit with him for now. I�ve got Hub on one side of me bitching about him, me getting irritated with him and on the other side, me kind of feeling bad for him, which I know I should NOT, but I do because�well, he has no clue. It�s just a mess and I went into it more than I wanted to for now.

I�m doing okay, I guess. But not really, just coping better. We still have no money, it hasn�t snowed much, Hub�s waiting on some more cash from the guy he�s working for, the business is going to pay our rent this month, and Hub�s truck just fucking died this morning so it�s back in the shop. So who knows what that�ll cost, or if we�ll have the money to fix it. And wouldn�t It just happen to be the money-maker right now. I try to comfort myself with the fact that it can�t get worse, but I know full well it can.

The good news is that Hub�s IRS woes are DONE. Chuck out in NY got it all settled, and now Hub only owes $146.00 plus interest and penalties, which will be like, what, four bajillion bucks or so? Whatever. We might even get our tax refund back, which they took in May and now we have to prove they took it. I know, WTF! I�m telling you, when I go back to work, I�m working for the government. But, I�ve said that before, haven�t I?

Yay, lamest Christmas update ever. I�ve got to go now. Too many kids driving me crazy. Hilda went home this morning, Butthead is working all day until tonight, and Beavis is going to Marc�s out In Fremont or Kingston or Brentwood, wherever the fuck it is that he lives. I may even get rid of Minnie and Mickey for a night, as Dick has expressed an interest, but I�m not counting on It.

Alrighty. So. Hopefully, I�ll update before the New Year.


Listening to: "I want to fucking tear you apart". Whatever it's called, by whoever sings it.

Currently reading: I've kinda dropped the reading thing the past few days.

Thinking about: My aching head. I'm really getting sick of headaches.