
Ali - 2005-08-10 12:12:33
Oh I love Joaquin!! He is the hottest thing ever!! I would have never thought I'd like a guy with a harelip but what do I know? Nothing, apparantly.
Kelly - 2005-08-10 12:15:49
Jeff Goldblum grew up in Homestead. like 10 minutes from my house. I heard he's a superbig jerk. plus he watches you poop. . Told ya. Joaquin is hot. After I saw Inventing the Abbots, I had a reoccuring dream that we were married.
biodtl - 2005-08-10 12:15:52
I love all three of them. I even loved Rob Thomas when he looked like he needed a bath. I think it was Smooth that did it for me - the song just had that sexy sound to it and it carried over to Rob.
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-08-10 12:39:00
I didn't realize that Joaquin had a harelip! Weird! I love Rob Thomas because in some magazine article my husband read last week Rob said this in response to something the interviewer said implying that Paris Hilton had said Rob was a good friend of hers: "I can't believe she said that! We're NOT good friends. Paris Hilton is not a good person." (I'm paraphrasing, but still. That's awesome.)
Jess - 2005-08-10 12:56:52
I agree with you about Jeff Goldblum and Joaquin...not Rob Thomas, unfortunately. I always think that geeky guys like Jeff are hot. And of course, I like the guys with the weird little idiosyncratic facial features like Joaquin. Mmmmm Mmmmm good. xoxo - me
Vicki - 2005-08-10 13:23:46
Oh yeah....weird and or geeky guys rock! (Literally in the case of Rob Thomas) Remind me to send you a pic of my latest geeky crush. I'll have to do it through email since I work with him and I shouldn't go posting his pic online.
waztukin - 2005-08-10 13:25:19
How could you NOT love Rob Thomas? He's a sexy, sexy man.. Oh, god, lets not go there... You, on the dot, picked my number one childhood crush. I love Joaquin too. Very pretty eyes. I 'bout drooled all the way through Quills - slightly sick, yet so much fun...
Cheri - 2005-08-10 14:17:50
mmmmmmm - Ewan McGregor is my guilty pleasure....his voice in Moulin Rouge....ahhhhhhh......(couple that w/him in a jedi costume and OH LORD - look out!!!)
Gumphood - 2005-08-10 14:43:54
It is Come as you Are. Eric Bana is my gay crush.
Anneliese - 2005-08-10 18:02:09
Of the three, Joaquin is the best. But Rob Thomas? He looks weird. And Jeff Goldblum is okay, but I could never imagine enjoying kissing his upper lip.
kp- - 2005-08-12 14:46:57
Jeff Goldblum scares the shit out of me... i wish to never be left in a room alone with him... or maybe even in the same city... i hate him with a passion... always have... Joaquin? LOVE nothing but LOVE... it is the lip... rob thomas... eh- could go either way... i liked him during the "yourself or someone like you" days and yes... i own the album also... im not ashamed to say it...

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