
Jess - 2005-08-11 16:46:43
I think you are alright, lovely. I am no hematologist, but I think they are looking for smokers and long-term drug abusers when they take blood samples. Since no one has died yet from pot (except probably getting emphysema and dying), I doubt they will hold that against you. :) Yay! I get to live vicariously through you for school shopping and school stories. I miss school. xoxo - me
Cheri - 2005-08-11 16:46:52
I think you're WELL within your rights to file suit. So says me.
Anneliese - 2005-08-11 16:48:26
Sue them, and I agree with canceling the insurance. So says me, great purveyor of dland wisdom.
Vicki - 2005-08-11 16:51:18
I agree. Sue 'em. And yay for the weight loss!! (I lost 1.4 lbs myself). And I'm reading the new Harlan Coben now (The Innocent) - well, not that new, I guess it came out awhile ago now. I love me some Coben but for some reason, this book is irritating me.
Kelly - 2005-08-11 16:51:21
I'd tell you youre nuts if you kept the policies. I mean the fucknut ripped you off! Fuck Nate too. I mean, theres no way he's gonna risk losing his job over you guys. When you print that letter out to send the jackoff feel free to say Oh yeah and Kelly sends a big fuck you, you grundymotherfucker. Cause thats real professional like.
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-08-11 21:25:27
I think it's retarded that they test people to see if they smoke before giving them life insurance, but they have no idea if you're an alcoholic (I suppose they could test your blood for that too, but just because you're not drunk that day doesn't mean you're not drunk every OTHER day) -- plus they have no idea if you're a fucking crackhead or on heroin. Makes no sense to me. But hells yeah! Sue his ass.
wedge-o-lime - 2005-08-12 00:11:01
Um, I am ALL ABOUT SPITE!!! Fuckers! I'd be pissed with myself if I kept the policies. Spite gives you a warm feeling inside.
Gumphood - 2005-08-12 09:29:40
Listen. I agree. Don't stick with someone who rip you off.
Kathy - 2005-08-12 10:13:48
I agree with the above. they all seem to know what they are talking about. Congrats with the weight loss. Can you please tell me how you do it. or help me in any way? Because I just give up.. :-(( have a great weekend. xoxox Kathy
krissie p - 2005-08-12 14:53:32
CONGRATS YOU SKINNY BITCH! its awesome to hear your doign good and feeling good! and happy birthday to the cutest boy i know!

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