11 August 2005 | 4:30 p.m.

"My name is Zarnoff. This is Zabu, Zellnor, Zelbor, Zelmina, and, uh, Jeff".

This was added seconds after udating and has nothing to do with the bulk of this entry. I weighed in last night and lost 4.8 pounds, putting me a little more than five pounds over goal, which is awesome. Yey me! =)

I really should update this now while I have a spare moment. Tomorrow morning I am going to be busy, as I will finally be starting school shopping then. Plus I have to get groceries, too. And I have to find some time without kids to go pick up Mickey�s birthday present. He�s going to be 5 on Monday (!!!) and I�m doing a little party for him Sunday. Nothing big. My dad is coming and so is Linda from NY (she happens to be in the area) and maybe her two grandsons. I�m going to see if my nephew and his little bro can come, too. Pretty soon they�ll be right next door. (Just trust me when I say that that situation is going to be excellent diary material).

I have been researching small claims and debt collection type stuff for those people I wrote about last week. I found a demand letter online that I liked, for free even. I hate that we have to do this because I hate asking the courts to make a decision about anything, since that shit can and always has backfired in my face. But fucking two grand? I�m not going to just lay back and take the ass fucking on that one. I have to TRY to get at least some of that money back.

So, yeah and the whole life insurance situation. When Hub had told Small Talk Nate about us wanting to cancel the policy and why, Nate talked him into �thinking� about it. Yey. He�s so final, right? Uck. Anyway. Then I get a call from Nate on Saturday looking to make an appointment to get together. He fucking tricks me and uses a cell phone instead of the office phone and I end up picking it up. Anyway, the small talk with that call had me wanting to fucking scream. It�s just so friggin� annoying, time wasting and really does he give a shit about whether or not I�m spending time with my kids over the summer or not? No. So don�t fucking ask and act like you care or are even listening. I know you call that �building a repore� or whatever in slick school, but it just irritates me. Anyway, I passed the buck onto Hub and had Nate call him. Anyway, so Nate was going on about how�s business and how it�s hard to run your own business because people don�t pay or they want to pay a little at a time. No shit. There I think he was fishing for info but since the situation didn�t really involve him I chose not to share. Well it does kind of involve him as far as he�s the one losing the account, but up until that point I don�t feel comfortable going into details of the whole �your fucking asshole boss ripped of my company� thing with him.

Hub and I hadn�t discussed the thing much basically because we don�t see each other a heck of a lot anyway and we�ve just not been in the mood to talk about the whole suck-ass deal when we have seen each other. Plus we�re both memory-challenged individuals. Anyway, so our appointment with Nate was coming up and I don�t see the point in having him waste his time coming down here when what I want to do is cancel the policy. So we talked about it and Hub was on the fence as to what to do. I know it seems like it�s out of spite, and yes some of it is, but not all. First off, let�s revisit the fact that we�re talking about two grand here. $2115.00, to be exact. Second, I think it might be a slight �conflict of interest� to have our life insurance through the agency, considering that we are in all probability going to have to file a lawsuit against one of the managing partners of that agency. Third, also, I�d hate to see that agency, and therefore, that managing partner, to benefit financially from me considering said situation. Fourth, SPITE. Yes, spite is last on the list. FUCK HIM! Asshole! If you want to play that way then I�m taking my toys and I�m going home! PFFFFFTTTT!!!!!

I would love input as far this situation goes. Am I being a baby, or do I have a right to do what I did? Please leave a note or comment, oh great purveyors of dland wisdom. (You know you are).

Anyway, Hub agreed with me. He called Nate and told him we�re canceling it due to a conflict of interest. He said Nate just said �okay� and didn�t argue or anything. Maybe he understands our side. Who knows.

I know, now we�re without life insurance. Good lord, the world is going to end. I realize it�s importance. I realize I should have it, and most likely I�ll sign up for it again. Not too soon , though. It�s a pain in the ass. First there was the initial meeting with Nate which lasted fucking forever. And the phone interviews. My favorite was the blood test. Some guy came to the house to take our blood. (Oh goody I wonder if that fucker has access to my health information. You know my system was mucho positive for the pot. Not that he can do much with that information, I mean if he shared it with anyone I would totally blast him with the privacy act and HIPAA and all that shit. But still. He�d know. Ya know?). When the guy took my blood, the spot fucking bruised right up and I looked like a junkie for three days. Hi, like my track marks? Then, after that was all done and the policy was �sent to underwriting�, they doubled my premium! I was like, WTF? Why? �Well, we don�t know that right now because of HIPAA there�s a lot of paperwork involved but Nate can walk you through the steps as to finding out why�. Like I need Nate to help me fill out paperwork. I never did find out why, btw.

Then Nate thought it would be a nifty idea to have a small policy for Mickey and Minnie which sounded odd at the time, but whatever, it was cheap. Except once they saw Mickey�s health stuff, they denied his. Which I told Nate all about his heart defect and he said, �Oh that shouldn�t be a problem at all�. So we were going to cancel Minnie�s anyway, because what kind of sense does it make to have six kids and one covered? That�s not right. It wasn�t right just to have the two of them anyway.

Well, whatever, the life insurance thing is over for now.

And I must depart. Ciao. =)

Listening to: I don't fucking know.

Currently reading: "My Life" Bill Clinton. I really need some Jeffrey Deaver in my life again, or Harlan Coben, or Tami Hoag, or....

Thinking about: There's a drop down box when I go to type here, so I could just put a letter in the box and choose from the list of older s