
Kelly - 2005-08-15 19:14:04
Happy Birthday Mickey!! totally different subject, one of my good friends cousin dated trent reznors sister in high school. he said Trent was the biggest band geek ever and had horrible acne. He used to make fun of him all the time then whoops NIN. ya never fuckin know!
Jess - 2005-08-15 21:44:36
Happy Birthday to Mickey! :) I am glad that it sounds like he had an awesome birthday, and I am so happy that even with his heart defect he survived like a trooper! One of these days, my lovely, are you going to share their real names with me? xoxo - me
Anneliese - 2005-08-15 22:16:19
Skirts over jeans are popular with lots of hippy chicks. They wear flowery, blowsy skirts over their flared jeans/cords. It is not flattering. Now, here in LA, I see these shirts that have a similar fabric to those skirts, and the hem of the shirt is very long, but clingy. And the mannequins at the store have them on, with jeans, making it look almost the same as those hippie chicks.
Vicki - 2005-08-15 23:34:21
Happy birthday Mickey. And I'm glad you're alive, Jackie. Yay for not being dead!!
Gumphood - 2005-08-16 09:18:12
I like the Hot Hot Heat as well. The skirt over the jeans thing is TOTALLY not East Coast at all. Its awful. The point of the skirt is not have pants underneath dammit.
kp - 2005-08-16 11:24:38
wishing the happiest to my mickster on his b-day =) the skirt and jeans thing has been back for a while and i never thought it would... although it was never "in"... there was a time in the 80s where skirts over stretch pants were cool(and stretch pants are comming back also)... and it was so cool that they started sewing skirts over pants on purpose! (i have a hilariously awesome photo of my little sister in them somewhere...) so hilariously hilarious how trends come back around... no matter how dumb... yay for some time off and i am looking forward to seeing what you found outside...
Wendy - 2005-08-16 13:30:20
I am so happy to have been able to meet your amazing little boy!! Give him big kisses for me on his birthday. He is here for a reason... to be the happy, joyful little boy that he is! If not a tad mischievous! :) Hope you are well!

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