
tammy - 2005-08-22 13:47:20
I am on the birthcontrol were you only have your period four times a year. It is really not that bad. The four you have are not the best, however they are not that bad... (atleast for me). You should look into it. The birth control helps you with the ups and downs of your hormones. You only have to worry about the week before 4 times a year. Good luck, I hope everything turns out for you....
lostmystic76 - 2005-08-22 13:50:40
I did that birthcontrol as well, but it made me psycho. I was actually worse then I am when I'm PMSing and I was ALWAYS that way. I guess it just affects people in different ways.
Ali - 2005-08-22 14:11:53
I'm sorry that you don't have a bigger support system. I would die if I didn't get to get away every now and then. Being a full time parent is overwhelming, you need time to get away. Are the older boys not mature enough to watch the younger ones? I mean not for a long time but for a night? Would your dad do it if you asked? Maybe you should see a therapist just so that you can talk it all out without feeling like you are burdening someone. You can always email me. I'm here for you. If I were around there, I'd take all the kids for a weekend for you and then take you out to eat so we could talk!!
Vicki - 2005-08-22 14:49:05
I'm sorry, honey. If wish I lived closer so I could help you out. (((Jackie!!!)))
Jess - 2005-08-22 15:04:09
I am really sad to hear that you are not doing so well, Jackie. I always think of you as the strongest woman alive to be able to juggle a business, a silly husband, and all those kids. But, I see that you are human, too. I wish that there was something that I could do to help; I wish that I lived closer to at least take you out for a night and have fun. You are doing the best job that you can, and you are amazing. xoxo - me
Gumphood - 2005-08-22 15:21:46
I am really sorry that things suck right now.
Anneliese - 2005-08-22 19:35:45
Hi Jackie. I relate, oh how much I relate. Do you think we'll ever get any peace?
Kelly - 2005-08-22 21:11:43
Shit, birth control makes me fucking insane. I tried every kind and all of it is worse than just dealing. I COULDNT deal on birth control. I hope you feel better Jackie. You always have so much on your plate. At the very least I hope you get your camera working. that seemed very relaxing and enjoyable for you.
Anneliese - 2005-08-22 22:42:54
I too tried several different birth control pills, and they all made PMS progressively worse. It was horrible. I'm lucky though; I don't get PMS if I'm not on the Pill. I've been told it's just because I'm like that all the time. Pfft.
Wendy - 2005-08-22 23:48:49
It makes me sad to think of you depressed. You are one of the strongest women I have ever met. With all the crap that has happened in your life... all the ups and downs with men and family... your weight... your children's health... You need to look at yourself through all our eyes, we see you as a superwoman. One in need of a vacation, but a superwoman, nonetheless. Every time I get the urge to cheat on my diet, I think about you, and your strength and will power helps me be strong! Hang in there. We all love you!
GeekGirl - 2005-08-23 10:37:49
Thanks Jackie, I'm glad you like it. I needed a place where I could be more open and honest because I am still so totally boy crazy and I needed somewhere to express that. One of these days, I'm going to have to get up to your neck of the woods and we can hang out. I just wish I could do more.

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