
Gumphood - 2005-09-23 09:29:00
I am surprised that Andrew left a comment as well, but hey, thats pretty neat.
Ali - 2005-09-23 09:42:42
That's hilarious about Beavis. You are so funny!!
E-beth - 2005-09-23 10:21:56
I'm not an expert on funeral flowers or anything but I think the whole idea is kind of stupid. Sure it's nice to recognize but flowers die and then thats sad just like the person dying. Well maybe not as sad as the person dying but almost I'm sure. Or I'm a bad person and think pretty dying is worse than old people doing it.
chillier - 2005-09-23 10:22:11
Shout out to drunky class! I just had my exit interview last night so I am all gradgimitated. I hear NH's drunky class is a breeze - you only have to spend one weekend, not 16 of the longest goddamn weeks of your life.
Jess - 2005-09-23 11:58:27
Ok, do not make fun of me, but I had absolutely no idea what a thong was (yes, you can imagine what kind of panties I wear), so I asked my co-worker and she came over and demonstrated hers to me. I saw her butt crack and all! It was so hysterical! Now that I know what they are, I am having a hard time believing that could possibly be comfortable!!!! xoxo - me
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-09-23 21:27:29
whoa - someone who didn't know what a thong was - now I've heard it all! I don't know about the flowers - I think you might be right though. They SHOULD be there for the viewing. I remember one time in high school a boy I HATED de-pants one of our bitchy-ass chearleaders. She was wearing full pantyhose under her pants and then underwear under that. talk about sweaty! ewww. that was fucking hystercial.
jennifer - 2005-09-23 22:46:08
You guys keep that up, and you're going to have one angsty teenager on your hands!

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