
Ali - 2005-10-14 09:40:08
I am sorry that you and Hub are fighting. That sucks. I'm sorry he bad mouthed Dick in front of the kids too, that's awful. I hope that you guys get everything patched up really soon. And you crack me up, I love the line "Marriage sucks. I am never doing this again. EVER." You're awesome!! Have a great weekend.
Kelly - 2005-10-14 09:41:29
Sorry for the fight. That tension that they leave is worse than the actual fights sometimes. I'm all over the never doing this again thing. I dont think I ever will. once was enough. I dont care how much you love someone, marriage ruins everything.
Gumphood - 2005-10-14 09:50:36
Kelly is a little anti-marriage huh? Anyway, it sucks right now, but you can get through it. I mean if you want to. If you don't then yeah, it sucks, but I never know if you feel like it was a mistake or if its just hard. And throwing things is stupid. That makes me mad.
freetobemee - 2005-10-14 11:31:26
*HUGS* I decided that if I ever could, rignt now would be the time that I would come visit you...I'll hunker down right next to you and we'll do shots or pop pills or smoke a fattie (all at once, even) I would!!Until then, just know that I know what you're going through. I just wish I could say something to cheer you up and tell you it'll get better, but you've been in this place before and you already know what you're doing, don't you? Oh, and I watched Made by the way...and I learned something. Being from WiscONNNsin, I was pronouncing Nashua in my head "NASH-OOO-AHH"...I had to laugh at myself when I learned how it's REALLY pronounced!! Then I got thinking about how fun it would be to hang out with you with and laugh about our accents!! Yeah, I'm a total dork thinking like that, but what-evah!! ;) haha! Take care of you and I hope things get better for ya. *HUGS* again!! -Mee
Jess - 2005-10-14 11:39:26
I'm sorry that you and Hub are fighting. That is really horrible that he was badmouthing Mickey and Minnie's father right in front of them. I am sure that he feels bad about it, though, unless he is a sociopath. Anyway, I heart you and I hope that you have a relaxing weekend. xoxo - me
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-10-14 14:54:45
screw pics - you need video! that would piss me off bigtime - people who can't control their temper enough to not break shit every time they have a temper tantrum doesn't fly with me either. and it usually scares the shit out of kids. not cool
Smed - 2005-10-14 14:56:12
Crap! My bad...I mixed up my Wilsons. That's why I need an editor, and a fact checker...but I don't have the payroll wiggle room right now.
serena (Of serenaville) - 2005-10-15 01:28:19
Mook is a 'thrower', too. Also a wall puncher. Better those, than throwing or punching people, I guess. Still, you don't see me going around doing that. I always wonder what is with all that... if he's going to jack shit up, why doesn't he go down to the basement and break up the dismantled wood boards from the half-assed refinishing job the former owners did, that have been sitting there for two years. If he wants to throw stuff, he can throw it into a construction debris trailer. Isweartogod, if they'd only use their rage for good...
criminal - 2005-10-17 03:09:51
I'm sorry hub's being such a douche. I hope you get him back in line without having to resort to taking a blunt object to his head.

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