
muffy - 2005-10-17 11:45:24
Dude, you don't suck and aren't a horrible person. You're doing the best you can under suck-ass circumstances. Any other person would have dumped Butthead at a hog farm by now. And your husband, too, for that matter.
Vicki - 2005-10-17 12:14:29
Oh, Jackie.... (((hugs))) I'm sorry things are so sucky for you now. If it means anything, I don't think you're a bad person. There's nothing wrong at all about needing to take care of yourself and your own needs and wants. And you're honest with yourself and how you feel, about Butthead, about stuff. Heck, even just your acknowledgment and recognition that you're a bad person me at least....that you're not that bad at all.
Kelly - 2005-10-17 12:49:02
I don't think you're a bad person at all. I think you're "bad" for thinking this way, though. Nobody should have to deal with disrespect - especially from men who would obviously fail big time without you. The shit about the table is just that...shit. You'd like to think it's not done on purpose, but you know it is, and it only leads to resentment, and eventually hatred. I hope things get better for you!
biodtl - 2005-10-17 13:35:36
Well, if expecting your husband to take some responsibility for the kids and the house is being a bad person, then I am one, too. It's not really about the kids at all p they are kids. But it IS about a parent who refuses to act like one. It sucks to deasl with discipline and all that, but it sucks worse when you don't do anything and they grow up thinking that they can do whateve they want. The whole "Jackie's Money" thing? That is fucked up. And totally something mr b would say. I feel you, girl.
criminal - 2005-10-17 13:37:26
You're not a bad person. They are assholes. The thing about the dining set? That's not a small thing. I think that's a fairly good example of his general attitude toward you. You deserve better than that.
Jennifer - 2005-10-17 13:40:31
I think the reason why you have so many readers is because we, too, have our demons. No, you're not the "perfect" Leave It To Beaver mom. Hate to break it to ya. But you love your children, and you put up with a lot to provide for them and keep the family going. I admire how tenacious you are to keep things together.

Whenever I have trouble talking to someone, I write them a letter. I know it sounds childish, but it sounds like hub won't let you "get it all out."

OMG, want to see some freaky shit? Check out this family:

And if someone offers you a "gift" of whatever, you don't owe them a damn thing. That's what a gift is all about, giving without the expectation of something in return. I have a hard time dealing with that myself. Stop feeling so guilty, sweetie!

Is this a long comment or what?!
Kat - 2005-10-17 14:16:37
Ditto -- all of the above. What about counseling? Would Hub go? If the disrespect continues (and it's TOTAL disrespect), he will break you, and you will leave. You know that don't you? Much luck to you and yours. K
Cheri - 2005-10-17 15:35:42
Man! Is there something in the air or something?? Could we possibly be sharing a brain?
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-10-17 18:47:27
damn, girl... i dont' even know what to say. you're not a bad person though. HE'S a bad person. I'm sure you already know that though.
annemarie - 2005-10-19 11:14:19
For some reason the pass code would not work before, it was probably my error. I'm sorry that things feel shitty for you right now. i don't think i would be as strong as you are with all of the weight that your family piles on you. You rock, J!
Jess - 2005-10-20 12:39:04
Gosh Jackie, I have no idea what to say. I felt horrible for you reading all of that shit...which is what it is...unnecessary shit for you. I am seriously at a loss for words, because I feel that I have no idea what it must be like to be in a marriage, especially one in which you resent your husband, but considering that my parents are in a loveless marriage from years of resenting one another, I would only wish you the best of happiness, whatever outcome that entails. I heart you. xoxo - me

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