
biodtl - 2005-10-20 11:09:31
FWIW, I'll say a prayer for Beavis and his balls.
x-plicity - 2005-10-20 11:15:07
My thoughts are with the balls. *hugs* X
Ali - 2005-10-20 11:20:02
I suck at my diet too. Don't feel bad. You are still doing way better than I can ever hope to!! And I feel bad for Beavis, how scary!! I'm praying and hoping that it's not cancer!!
muffy - 2005-10-20 11:24:31
Poor kid.
Smed - 2005-10-20 11:29:31
Something weird like that happened when I was in college. I went to the doc and he gave me antibiotics. All better. Was some freaky thing-a-doodle. Whatever. I was just glad it got better.
Kate - 2005-10-20 11:41:08
Poor Beavis. It's probably something simple or a natural fluke of sorts. I know natural fluke is probably an oxymoron. Keep us updated.
Gumphood - 2005-10-20 12:05:57
He'll be fine. Bashful boy you have there. And from what I remember, thats normal for younger boys.
MJ - 2005-10-20 12:07:22
Oh, how scary for him... but not that unusual, I think. Keep us posted.
Jess - 2005-10-20 12:31:46
Aw, I really feel for Beavis. When I was younger (and even now, what am I talking about?), I used to be worried about EVERYTHING. I was/am a total hypochondriac. I used to call my mom when she was at work with some dilemma about how I was going to die. And right around Beavis' age, I started thinking that all of my ailments were cancer. I think it is very admirable that he did research on his own, but I have to say...every single freakin' time I have done research on the internet about my symptoms, they have always given me the WORST POSSIBLE scenarios, which were not true to begin with. And of course, this caused needless worry. And Beavis is so young, it is very doubtful that he has cancer, but not impossible. (But he does not, damnit, cuz I say so!) I am wishing you and Beavis the best and sending good thoughts that it is nothing serious. Please keep us updated!!!! xoxo - me
E-Beth - 2005-10-20 13:13:57
Webmd and other sites that let someone self diagnose should be outlawed. The other day I found out I have eight different kinds of cancer. It's terrible for impressionable minds and hypochondriacs.
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2005-10-20 15:45:41
damn! poor kid! is it just that one hangs a bit lower? because I think that's pretty normal. or does he mean it's REALLY swelled up?
jennifer - 2005-10-20 17:53:58
As if puberty weren't hard enough!! You both are in my thoughts.
Chickpea - 2005-10-20 19:58:32
Poor kid. All he needs is one more thing to worry about at his young age. Gotta feel for the kid - everything is scaryw hen you're 15. You must keep us posted on the status lady.
Vicki - 2005-10-20 21:47:14
Aw....poor guy. I remember when I was his age and for some reason I can't even recall I was convinced there was something wrong with my body and I'd never be able to have sex. Anyway, I'm sure he'll be fine but my prayers are with you both until you hear for sure. (((Jackie!!!)))
grrl-blog - 2005-10-23 20:00:44
fuck, that sucks. things going wrong with your genitals is scary no matter what it is. a friend of mine got testicular cancer at age 20 & he is one ball short of a pair but is cured & doing well! they make really great fake nuts these days, but he opted out.

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