
jess - 2005-12-01 11:49:41
I was not able to read the article that you linked because apparently you have to be registered? But, I am very interested in reading it. I could not tell if you were using a serious or sarcastic tone when talking about that woman "raping Roe vs. Wade," so now I am really intrigued. But I am with you 100% on that. I would also never vote for anyone who was pro-life. Everyone is entitled to think the way that they do, but I have found that anyone who claims to be mildly conservative is actually really horifically conservative and tries to get all sorts of unjust shit laws passed. Take Bush! He is to religion what Tom Cruise is to Scientology. It is a scary world out there. xoxo - me
jess - 2005-12-01 11:51:42
By the way, is my log-in info for your locked diary going to be the same thing it was last time? xoxo - me
Kate - 2005-12-01 12:09:51
You make good, sound decisions regarding the kids, but being backed by Dr. Phil helps. You're a responsible parent, and trust me on this-you will be glad when they're older that you were.
Gumphood - 2005-12-01 13:04:15
I look at abortion like this: If I am told "don't have unprotected sex" and I try to follow that, but one time I end up sexing a Ho, and I get AIDS, should I be punished for my unprotected sex by not getting AIDS treatment? FUCK NO! Unexpected Pregancy's can ruin two lives, while abortions can make one alot better. Trust me, the emotional distress that women suffer from getting abortions is a lession in its goddamn self. Its not like a goddamn nose job where you can just get it done fast food style so those arguments suck. The fact is abortion is legal ... period.
lostmystic76 - 2005-12-01 16:02:07
I am soooo with you on this whole "non-parenting" bs. I know it sounds wrong, but there really should be some sort of a gov't control when it comes to people having kids. I'm sorry, but if you can't get a job and have to live off the system, then "boom"...tubes should be tied or buddies snipped. I'm sick and tired of busting my ass to pay taxes so other fuckwads can pop out kids they're not even going to care for. Enough is enough!

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