
Smed - 2005-12-06 11:13:55
Ah, geez. Comments like that make me want to put an icepick in someone's forehead. I just hope my daughters never have an issues with that whole thing.
x-plicity - 2005-12-06 11:19:51
I actually used this when a needy babysitter-needer needed me to babysit and it worked. (yeah I'm an unorganized typer today) "Oh thank you for offering but no thank you." She was so confused that I was able to put in a "Thanks for calling" and hung up on her before she could reply.
Jamie - 2005-12-06 11:46:21
You certainly have a ton on your plate. As a mom with a sick child facing surgery or "procedure" my heart goes out to you. You'll both be in my prayers. I've taken your advice, and everytime the "ex wife" situation starts to piss me off I think "its not my problem let them duke it out". So far so good.
Kelly - 2005-12-06 12:25:53
You're a good Mom (and person), Jackie, despite thinking you're a "bad" person. Whenever you talk about Beavis and how proud you are of him, it's a reflection on you and the way you've raised him. Plus, I love when Mom's love their little boys. It shows for the rest of their lives.
Anneliese - 2005-12-06 12:45:25
You're unemployed? I give that one a big ole BULLSHIT! You're the accountant for the business right? And a babysitter, right? And a fucking stay at home mom. You deserve a spanking for saying that. But yeah, what you said about poop. :)
jess - 2005-12-06 12:51:02
OMG I am speechless...well, kind of. Between this entry and the last one, CHRIST! Well, let me just say that between having Beavis go under the knife for his balls, Mickey go under the knife for his heart, that waste of space of a friend who mooches off you like no tomorrow, and your husband being your husband, no wonder you are writing page-long rants and smoking weed! Goddamn, you really need a medal. I should learn how to mold one and make it for you. It will be crude, but you will love it, I promise. xoxo - me
Trista - 2005-12-06 15:50:00
Wow... Wow! A good bitch rant is good for all of us and that is what we are here for... you to rant to us and read our rants! Chin up girlie! They will all be 18 soon and then BAM! outta there! ;)
Gumphood - 2005-12-06 16:08:23
You don't update for a while and then BLAM its like an essay of rant. Its wonderful you know. All that pent up agression.
Jennifer - 2005-12-06 16:14:40
I wish my mom could read your diary. Today I was on the phone with her and she was telling me how she's too slow at work (the hospital) and is afraid to get fired. And how my brother and sister had a big birthday party and she had to work all night, etc etc. Then she started screaming "STOP IT! STOP THROWING UP!" at my 3 y/o sister who likes to punish my mom and dad my forcing vomit. She ended up saying: "Jennifer I have to go hold your sister over the toilet. Bye." Oh how I wish she could read your sarstic daily accounts and take heart that all moms have problems. I'm getting all teary-eyed. I must be hormonal.
lostmystic76 - 2005-12-06 16:15:01
Good fucking lord! And I thought I had a stressful life!! LMAO! Girl, I don't know how you do it!
AlmostNormal - 2005-12-07 09:26:46
There's a book called "Boundaries" which will help you with what to say to people who step all over your toes and don't think about anything but their needs and then guilt trip your ass about how shitty their lives are if you say no to them. Seriously, it's a little bible-heavy...but you can just skim that shit. It's WORTH reading!!!

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