
freetobemee - 2006-01-18 15:59:24
You're right...I flipping HATE other people's kids, too...unless they're my best friend's kids...but I never see them anyway - I'm too busy getting drunk with their mamas to waste my time visiting with them! :) LOL! Hang in there...Lucky for me, it's Sierra counting down the days to go to school - not me! :)
Tammy - 2006-01-18 16:01:03
I absolutely love that book! I don't think you can put it down till you are done with it!
jess - 2006-01-18 16:09:26
"I just whacked him and I feel bad but he�s a goddamn beast." That is so wrong, yet, so funny. I love it. I love it so much. Not that I am endorsing whacking kids, but goddamnit, I was whacked and I know I deserved it, too!

Jackie, you have to promise me that you are going to write a book someday. Please. I will buy it and get all my friends to buy it. You are such a wonderful writer.

I love you, by the way.

xoxo - me
Tosha - 2006-01-18 16:25:46
What Jess said times ten. Also, The Nanny Diaries rocks.
jennifer - 2006-01-18 20:44:43
You know how you were praying for Jaegan to fall in the puddle? I do shit like that EVERY DAY at work. And then they come crying to me when karma slaps them in the face and put their snot all over my shirt, and I tell them: "Oh well. Not my problem." I'm really nice most of the time.

Oh snap! Today a two year old was having a tantrum and was relying on my holding his hand for support, so you know what I did? I made sure to let go at the point he was tugging on me the most. And he ate it. I was just like "Aw, you poor thing. Did you fall down?" and I tried to stifle my laughter so hard. Hey, I was just trying to make it through my day.

P.S. I LOVE the expression "eating at the Y." Brilliance. Never grow up, Jackie. And yes, I'd buy your book, too.
Brianna - 2006-01-18 21:13:00
Whacking, aw yes my favorite choice to get kids and dogs to shut up. Its not the best, but when you ask the politely, then finally resort to threats and they still wont stop. Whacking is a favorite. I babysit 3 little boys, and I have been for a couple years now. Youngest is the cutest, spoiled little brat ever, middle child is a arsehole and the older one is like Beavis, runs around giggling about everything. About butthead-you can use the hands-down-his-pants thing against him, say in front of his girlfriends parents? School teachers? =) <33 Brianna
criminal - 2006-01-19 00:39:33
Well if you're evil, then so am I, because as I read I prayed he would fall, and I cheered when he did. I also liked the cocaine habit line. And? I would totally sex up on Ron White even though he's not young and hot, or even older and hot, because he cracks my ass up. And I'd bring my coupins.
kristin - 2006-01-19 02:15:55
i have seen that book so many times and so many times i've said to myself, " i should pick that up sometime soon." I think i will, since you made it sound pretty entertaining. =)

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