
retailharlot - 2006-01-21 20:55:54
HA! That is terrific. My little brother and sister are on there too. Bunch of dorks, all of them.
AlmostNormal - 2006-01-21 21:01:33
You fuckin-eh rock. Seriously. I cannot wait till my brats (I mean beautiful children) are old enough to torture :) Oh, and thanks again for having the only password/username combo on earth that I can remember without having to check my email!
Jenn - 2006-01-22 00:23:38
That's hilarious! Hahah.
Cheri - 2006-01-22 09:55:09
Oh. My. God. I knew it before but you just cemented it times 1000 - you f*****g rock my dear. Oh yeah, and I'm STILL waiting for the long email that you promised dammit. What else do you think I have to do at work???? Grrr. ;)
Cheri - 2006-01-22 10:00:20
Ok, so if this posts twice I'm sorry but such is life. Well, my life anyway. Ha!! I just wanted to say that you f*****g rock, what you did w/ Brendan is HILARIOUS!!!! I have loved you from day 1 of finding you and I love you more and more each entry I read. I swear we need to meet in person someday, although you and I both know how much trouble that will be. But, we also know that neither of us gives 2 shits. Ahem. Anyway, just wanted to reiterate that you rock, and I'm STILL waiting for the long email you promised weeks ago!! What else do you think I have to do at work????
Cheri - AGAIN - 2006-01-22 10:01:40
So, of course my note posted twice. Bah.
Yep, Me - again - 2006-01-22 10:02:31
Have I mentioned that it is 9am and I am still drunk from last night? No? Well there you go.
Brianna - 2006-01-22 14:18:00
Haha, as a kid I know how embarrasing it would be, but thats to funny! Good one =)
x-plicity - 2006-01-23 10:45:50
That's so beautiful. *single tear*
Kelly - 2006-01-23 10:57:40
And that is why i love you. hahahahahaha. that is the best! (I left you an order in my comments, beyotch)
rach - 2006-01-23 12:33:10
Hahaha .. that's so funny.. I have You're on my friends list..
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-01-23 18:18:58
ha!! that really is a good one... :)
Gumphood - 2006-01-24 15:02:35
Yup. They are on FNX. Bastards

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