
Smed - 2006-02-02 10:34:02
I, for one, would not have invited GG Allin to a party at my house, but I would have brought him along to a party at an acquaintances. Anyway, I have an MBA, but really, I learned that business is just common sense and you don't need a darn degree to do it right. But it stinks that you're almost 'trapped' in it and that there's no snow for you. Here's to some white stuff!
Kelly - 2006-02-02 11:19:38
Jackie - have you tried calling your local Small Business Development Center? What about your local Small Business Administration? Also - have you looked into government loans/grants for your business? The two office above may be able to direct you to something that will help. Additionally, there are organizations out there that provide free ACCOUNTING help for small-businesses - you can contact this place to find something in your area: Accountants for the Public Interest, University of Baltimore, Thurnel Business Center, Room 519, 1420 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201; 410-837-6533 Alternatively, try contacting your state association of Certified Public Accountants. They may be able to hook you up with a volunteer CPA, which might help with the taxes and shit this time of year. And, although I'm not married, I concur. Never marry. Men are only good for a short period of time, and even then most disappoint. Do what you have to do for you, otherwise the kids and your hub suffer anyway - if you're not happy. Cliche, but true.
Jamie - 2006-02-02 11:28:09
I have no clue when it comes to business so I can't offer any good advice on that front. BUT I totally understand feeling like you've drowned underneath all of lifes shit. I'd tell you to hang in there but I'm afraid of the outcome. Oh and you need to add stay away from men with baggage. IQ tests, backgrounds checks and no no NO baggage. Somedays I think you and I have matching luggage. *sighs*
jess - 2006-02-02 11:59:11
Not sure if you ever watched it, but at the beginning of every episode of "Six Feet Under," they would show some scenario of someone getting killed or dying. There is one scenario in particular that I always think of when I read entries like this. A woman is in the kitchen cooking breakfast while her husband goes on and on bitching and complaining and just talking about shit in general. She gets fed up and whacks him over the head with the frying pan and then continues cooking. It is classic. It would not surprise me if one of these days I opened up your diary and read that you did something like that. I love you. xoxo - me
Kate - 2006-02-02 12:56:55
Number One: I think I speak for everyone in saying, yes, we have missed you. Please don't apologize for bitching, b/c you're entertaining even when you do complain. Lady~the fault is the hub's here. He clearly doesn't communicate with you and expects you to work miracles with the little info he does give you. You try and try to bring the seriousness of the company's problems to his attention, but he dismisses them every single time. He's living in a fantasy world for sure, but you're not, and that's good. I wouldn't pursue that loan if I was you unless you used some of the money to both go for some small business administration courses. Perhaps he should seek employment for someone else-he obviously cannot handle the realities of having his own business. Also, I would never have thought you were the type to blame yourself for long-ago discrepancies in behavior. It's done and over. You're truly sorry, and that's enough. If you don't mind me saying so, if you were happier in your present life, you probably wouldn't dwell on the negatives from the past. When I learned to forgive myself, life became so much sunnier! I hope you feel better soon.

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