
Kelly - 2006-02-17 12:57:54
I'm so glad there is someone else out there that beats themself up for breeding with a retard. I don't feel so alone. Oh and I dont have a myspace. I can barely keep up with dland. I did start an account so I could make fun of someone on it but then I found out i had to be friended first so fuck it. haha. i'm childish like that.
Kate - 2006-02-17 15:34:12
I think we should all get together and dig one hell of a big pit and toss all the Dicks of the world into it. You wonder how they get along in this world, don't you?
pantrypuff - 2006-02-17 16:38:06
His teeth looked bad??? You have got to be kidding me...
AlmostNormal - 2006-02-17 17:48:44
Um, yeah, I'm the dork that added you as a friend in myspace like a minute ago. I thought it was necessary since when I saw what your name was in the address bar I almost spit out the michelob ultra I was drinking. I'm not lying...between the thermos thing and the beer thing...I think I love you, baby *grin* (don't look at my myspace blog cause it's totally stupid)
jess - 2006-02-17 19:49:08
You know, for having a tard step-dad, tard father, and drunky mom, your kids sure are turning out damn fine. And I believe you have everything to do with that. Feel good about yourself! Even if those loser sperm donors and oaf of a husband do not give you credit and bitch and whine, just know that every good little thing about your kids came from you. I love you! xoxo - me
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-02-17 20:58:05
he can't see his kids because his teeth are fucked up? Wha....?
Brianna - 2006-02-18 12:48:41
'My teeth look bad', yah dipshit thats the downside of doing Meth. It will take awhile for your kids to realize all that, honestly my dad was a druggie and abusive, it took me years to get that he did drugs RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME but not so long to get that he was abusive. As for my own mother being an alcoholic, she was in rehab alot when I was kid, I just thought she was sick or something. But not till last year did I get that she was stil an alcoholic... Just be glad that your kids are healthy, away from drugs with a roof over there head. And by the sounds of it, there doing damn fine.

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