17 February 2006 | 12:35 p.m.

"How many pots have you smoken?"

Well, I was going to post this at myspace, but I wrote it in Word and for whatever reason, I can't copy & paste to myspace.

So, at least somebody at dland is turning the buddy list red. WTF is up with this place today? Is there some kind of boycott that I'm not in on?

Dick called me the other day. Child Support has scheduled a hearing in court for March 9 for his non-payment. His arrearages are about $11,000 or so and he�s made little or no effort to pay.

So, he called with his little pity story. Bear in mind, he�s made zero effort to see the kid�s since New Year�s Day. Doesn�t come to Sunday School or take them to church, like he was before, nothing. I�ll get a whiny phone call here and there about his pathetic life and WHOA! He called my daughter last week on her birthday�but that�s it. No card, no present. Whatever.

So, he starts with �It�s not the money, it�s that I don�t get to be with my family�.waa waa waa�. I should note that on March 2, it will be six years since we broke up. Six years of blissful liberation for me, evidently, six years of misery for him. I thought he was through with that guilt trip, especially since I�ve been married for four of those years, but I guess he pulls that one out on an as-needed basis.

I, being Ms. Non-Confrontational, and also having lots of our fights still fresh in my memory, rarely respond to his whinings. But the other day, in light of all of our financial problems, listening to him whine hit a sore spot.

�I barely make my rent right now�. Hello! He pays $300 in rent. A far cry from the $1275 that I have to come up with. And the utilities, and the food, and the shit that the kids� need, it amounts to a large amount of money every month. And his obligations are $300 a month in rent, and $105 a week in child support (that is unpaid), which makes a grand total of $700 or so a month. DO NOT expect pity from me whatsoever.

I said, �I�m sorry, but you have to pay a mere $105 a week in child support for two kids, and you can�t do that. I don�t even ask for it every week, I�m not going to be a bitch if you miss a payment or two, but to have money, like you have in the past, and not even contribute to the kids? Fuck off. I have a vehicle that needs $777 in repairs, I have four kids to support and we are in dire straights right now. So, if they send you to jail, nobody did it to you but yourself�.

I might mention here that I had asked for a hearing back in July. He went, signed an agreement, was supposed to get a wage assignment, and got off with nothing. By September when I STILL wasn�t getting anything, I called Child Support again. They scheduled a hearing for October. Well, in the meantime, he got another job (he goes through jobs like normal people go through underwear) and had his wages garnished. S, when the date of the hearing was coming closer, and he�d paid like four weeks of support, my CSO, Tim, called and asked if I still wanted to go through with the hearing. I felt that since he was paying, and that�s all I want, I know getting the arrearage is going to be damn near impossible, that we didn�t need the hearing and Tim was cool with that.

Then, that fourth payment? Was the last, since the loser had to quit his $20 an hour job right after. He got sick of making people thousands of dollars and only taking home hundreds. Hello! Asswipe! (Of course, this is the same retard who used to bitch about the whopping $750 a month rent we paid at our apartment: �I pay all this money and have nothing to show for it�, because the ROOF OVER HIS HEAD was nothing to show, I guess).

Fuck off, cocksucker. And the shit about not being with his family? I have gone out of my way for that fucker to see his kids. He doesn�t come get them, I bring them into town. I�ve given him and the kids rides places. And then he tries to guilt me.

I said, �When was the last time you saw them? New Year�s? Don�t give me shit about not being with your family when you make no effort to see the kids at all for almost two months. Shut the fuck up. I have to see them everyday no matter what I look like and even if I have no money�.

Last week, he�d called and said his teeth were fucked up and he didn�t look good right now and he couldn�t see the kids. Like they care! Retard. RETARD! I hate him. I really do. I wish I could just terminate his rights and be done with him.

My kids have no chance in life. Their dad is a fucking stupid loser, their step-dad is retarded, and mom�s a drunky. I feel so bad for them. Fortunately, it�ll be a few years before they catch onto all this. Except the mom�s a drunky bit.

My husband�s home. Ciao.

Listening to: The Cars. Yes! "You're All I've Got Tonight". I loves me some Cars.

Currently reading: "Solomon Vs. Lord" Paul Levine

Thinking about: Nothing terribly exciting.