
biodtl - 2006-02-23 10:11:38
I'm glad things are looking up - Linda sounds like a great friend. And definitely keep the card to yourself, for true emergencies. As much as our husbands are alike, I can just imagine the "emergencies" he'd come up with.
Tosha - 2006-02-23 10:53:26
I agree about the card. Men are stupid and go all crazy "FREE MONEY!! WHOO HOOO!!" Except it's not free money, and it takes forever to pay back. If you find a good way to convince hub of all that, can you tell me how? Because mine likes to spend out his ass.
jess - 2006-02-23 10:59:51
I know you are humble and all that jazz, but I am glad that you are reaching out and accepting "donations." You are looking out for the best interests of your family. You are a good mother and a beautiful person, Jackie. You will get through this. We are all here for you. xoxo - me
Kate - 2006-02-23 11:05:20
What a relief! You've been on my mind so much since I read you yesterday. I know it's not the end-all of your troubles, but it's a leg-up, and it's a start. I hate to accept financial help too, but if you put the kids in the equation, then there's no question. Don't be embarrassed by yesterday's entry. We all have our days, and this IS your diary. Hugs
Kelly 2 - 2006-02-23 12:16:11
I'll call myself Kelly 2 - the non-dlander. I'm glad things are looking up for you. Sometimes you just need a really really suck-ass day to get some good vibes restored. As far as the SBA loans - I'd look into grants for women business owners, too. It's half your business, right? I know grants are a wonderful concept and really utimately very hard to get, but I've known a couple of people who have gotten grants for their business. It just takes a little invested time and effort. Also, what about looking into grants for YOUR babysitting gig? Is that still going on? If so, you might look into that as I know there are a lot of grant programs with state Health and Human Service agencies and state Child Welfare departments for "daycare" providers. Plus, being self-employed, you should be receiving a few tax breaks, or at the very least able to use a lot of your "household" expenses as part of your business expenses. I know I am able to write-off part of my rent and utilties and car (mileage) as business-related. Plus, all your phone lines, computers, internet, supplies, postage. Some of it's small things, but I was surprised at how much it adds up. You should be able to deduct food, too, if it's a part of the daycare side of things. Even meals out can be used against business expenses. Sometimes you can even deduct "vacation" stuff. I've yet to find that out for sure, but I'm sure a lot of things can be stretched within reason. As long as you don't send any red flags up and get yourself audited! Anyway, I'm off to set up my own paypal account, so can donate something. Life can be shitty enough without the worries of money; hang in there. :)
Kelly - 2006-02-23 13:06:02
Its great when things seem so wrong that someone will come along and point out what right. Yea for adopted mom!
AlmostNormal - 2006-02-23 13:40:32
Glad things are lookin' up chica...keep on truckin!
Laura - 2006-02-23 19:32:12
I am glad things are getting better.I send you a *hug* and a woot,woot for you to use at your
jennifer - 2006-02-23 22:16:06
It takes a lot to fess up and ask for help. Do not be embarrased. I'm sure all of us has had hard times in the past. Anyway, I "donated" money, but I see it more as paying you for your wonderful writing. Hey, Stephen King gets to do it, why not you?

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