
criminal - 2006-02-24 11:35:18
You should watch some Ultimate Fighting. Y'know how hot neighbor Eric is all super-macho-sexy after a hunting trip? It's kind of like that, but without shirts. Desmond Harrington does mostly indie-type/low-budget flicks (The Messenger, Ghost Ship, Love Object) and Sean Biggerstaff was in Harry Potter.
jennifer - 2006-02-24 16:18:02
Yaay. You're very welcome! Oh! and speaking of your area.... There's going to be a biiig family reunion in Lowell, MA sometime this summer. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
jess - 2006-02-24 17:06:16
Jackie, damn the man! Seriously, what shitty luck with the loan. My heart is really pulling for you right now. I wish I was a rich bitch so I could send you thousands (or millions) of dollars, but unfortunately I am having money issues of my own right now. Nevertheless, I am donating money right now, and although it is not much (for now), I want you to get yourself something pretty or yummy with it. I love you. xoxo - me
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-02-25 14:05:02
If Blogger's home page ever comes up with a letter like that at DiaryX, someone is going to DIE. lol
Smash - 2006-02-26 18:16:37
Aww, I'm really bummed that you had such a bad time lately, J. Much luv n hugz to ya, cos sadly it's all I can give right now. *hugz* Smashxxx

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