
Smed - 2006-05-31 10:20:34
Aldo Nova, baby! Woot! Rock and roll! Hey, when Beavis gets into the early Black Flag (pre-Rollins) then you KNOW he's a punker! And I wanna party with him. (Riiiiight...)
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-05-31 11:49:58
"Are you ready to rock, Burger King?!?" OMG, you KNOW I'm pissing my pants over that one!
Anneliese - 2006-05-31 12:08:51
"It made all the women at the party Sunday night moist (He walked around with my camera showing everybody the pics). " So I really expected you to say he walked around with the camera taking pictures of all the women! I think it was the parentheses, no, it must have been my dirty mind.
biodtl - 2006-05-31 14:41:44
Hey - I just finished that book. mr b is talented in his field, too and I am always showing his work off to people, with the same results. The thing is, they always say how lucky I am and how nice our house must be. Um, no. He does great work for other people, but I have been waiting 7 years for my house to be fixed up. It's like he's Super-Carpenter until he walks through our doors and then he's just Super-Lay-on-the-Couch-Guy. PS. Wouldn't you know that stupid seminar company didn't have a single one in your area, so I won't be making it out that way - I'm bummed.
Kathy - 2006-06-01 01:21:47
I can relate with the fucking weight thing. It's a bad sign when your "fat clothes" don't even fit anymore. You think that would motivate me? Well hell no. "It made all the women at the party Sunday night moist" You made me laugh so much! xoxoxox
Jamie - 2006-06-01 07:14:56
OMG! LOL we were at the bar the other night (okay so when are we NOT there?!) and DJ Vegas (don't ask) likes the older school rock was playing Aldo Nova and Brad was looking at me like where the fuck do you know this? I LOVE Aldo Nova! *LOL* I'm such a geek :^)

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