31 May 2006 | 10:13 a.m.

"Tone down the mane a little, Skid Row"

My darling little boy, dear Beavis, is now listening to Black Flag. That is some funny ass shit, man. I was just getting used to his love of classic rock, and his Jimi Hendrix tee shirt, and loving it all, btw, and then he goes and further proves to me that he's the shit by downloading a shitload of Black Flag tunes. He even knows Henry Rollins was with them. He says he does not like new music much, he's all set with "that emo shit, oh my life sucks crap". That's my boy. I asked him to copy the CD he made, so now we're both old school punk rockers. Except, not.

Meanwhile, I have discovered a fucking killer new radio station. 96.5, "The Mill--Shut Up And Rock". It sounds kinda cheesy to me, makes me want to say, "Are you ready to rock, Burger King?!?", but it's awesome. "Classic rock", pretty much 70's and 80's stuff. But not what you tend to hear most often, it's not all Stones and Zeppelin and shit. No, they throw shit in there that hasn't been heard in, oh, like forever.

I was listening yesterday, and they started playing this tune. I was all, "I *know*this song, I know it!", but at a loss as to what it was, I knew I hadn't heard it in goddamn forever. So, I googled a line from the song, "life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life", and got the result: Aldo Nova. Holy blast from the past! Then I could picture the damn video, and Aldo Nova (which wasn't his name? It was the name of the band? I think. Smed?) with his frickin' super spike mullet and his guitar and the token cheesy 80's chick.

Oh, they're online if you wanna listen: here .

Anyway. That's what's new in music news.

Brad cut the cord. Let's hear it for Brad. But, um, Shiloh? I'm not feeling it.

I'm totally random today. Please be excusing of my randomness.

OH! Check out my Flickr today, I put up pics of Hub's waterfall, it's done. It's gorgeous. It made all the women at the party Sunday night moist (He walked around with my camera showing everybody the pics). I'm telling you, every chick at the party was coming up to me telling me how great it was. "He designed that and everything?!?!". I was deep in conversation with this dude while his wife and Hub were inside looking at pics, and I saod, "That's it, your marriage is over. She's leaving you for my husband". And we laughed and laughed.

Speaking of this weekend, have I mentioned that I am totally and completely infatuated with Bobo? Not sure if I mentioned it. It's going nowhere but that's okay, I loves me an infatuation. Plus he is just too damn hot. Fuckin' A.

My step-son, folks, is totally retarded. I mean he is just plain dumb as a stump. I'm telling you. And I'm just being honest here, folks. His father will tell you the same thing. He and the boy were doing his brakes last night (brakes being the car theme for the week), and everytime Hub would come in, he'd say, "Did you know my son is retarded?" and all I could say was, "I've been telling you that for three fucking years now".

Example: The kid cannot turn off a light that he has not turned on himself. Cannot do it. Cain't. It's like, if he doesn't turn it on, he doesn't know it's on (which, hello?!? It's pitch black outside, how do suppose it is that you can see inside? A light, mayhaps? Hm, interesting), so he doesn't turn it off. When he comes home late now, he has no outside light on and none on in the house. He has to walk into blackness because otherwise, the lights would just be on all goddamned night.

The day I had to explain to him the concept of banks putting a check on hold comes to mind. He put his check into his account at the "credit union" (quotes because they say they're a credit union, but their name is "St. Mary's Bank"--see, BANK--and they act like a bank. It's a bank, dammit, just admit it), but it's not available right away, it's "on hold". Easy concept to most folks (shit, when I worked at the credit union--when it was a credit union--all kinds of dumb members got the concept), but Butthead is a different story. He was not getting it. I said, "You put the check into your account on Tuesday. They put it on hold for two days. That means, Thursday you can take it out". He said, "Why?". I said, "Because it's on hold for two days". He said, "So it's not in my account? Where is it? Is it in your account?".

I mean, I have to laugh at this shit. I'm sure he'll grow up into a very productive member of society. He is planning on going to Culinary Arts school after high school. He's not totally useless. Plus, he's quite an attractive kid, so even being dumb, he'll get hot chicks. But. OMG. The stupidity.

He takes our one cordless phone (since effin' Beavis broke the other one that we haven't replaced) downstairs every night because Jen, who was his GF for 2 years but now supposedly is his ex, calls him in the morning to make sure he's coming to pick up her and her brother for school. He leaves for school, he leaves the phone downstairs. And I end up missing phone calls because of it. This has been going on for months and he still keeps it up no matter how much shit we give him for it.

This morning, I woke him up. I specifically said, "Don't forget to bring up the phone" and then hit the page button on the base of the phone, just to get my point across. And, of fucking course, you can guess what happened. He fucking left it down there YET AGAIN.

So, I'm going to do what I've been threatening to do for months, I'm going to Satan's Asshole today and buying a spanking new old fashioned corded phone. If I can find one with pulse dialing, even better. This is going to completely destroy his whole world. Beavis's too, once he's allowed to use the phone again. I figure, a good two or three months of having to stand in the kitchen to talk on the phone will get the fucking point across (since the corded phone won't be permanent but I'm not telling Rocket Scientist that). But, he's so fucktarded that probably won't work.

Anyway, tonight I have decided that I'm going back to Weight Watchers. For real this time. I haven't been since January and I know I've put on weight. I have to start over. Like, really start over. Staying for orientation and asking for program materials all over again. Going up a size wasn't enough of a clue but when the size up is getting a bit snug? Time for some action. So, hopefully I can get my ass in gear and lose a few pounds. I'm totally ready for the worst possible scenario when I step on that scale.

So, that's all I got. I've got to head out to buy that phone and then get another frickin' gas cap for the van because I'm an idiot and lost mine. You know what happened. I need not embarrass myself any further.


Listening to: "Comfortably Numb" Pink Floyd. Oh by the way which one's Pink?

Currently reading: "The Innocent" Harlan Coben. I picked it up yesterday. I'm on page 250 already. This guy rules.

Thinking about: Nothing at all.