
Cheri - 2006-08-03 15:59:13
That's weird - your reaction lately to weed. I had the same thing happen to me at one point when I was very stressed over many things and was smoking regularly. Suddenly, whenever I smoked I would have what I now know were panic attacks. The weed would make my heart real fluttery and fast-beating and instead of being high and enjoying it, I'd be freaking out (internally of course). I stopped smoking for awhile because of it, and when I started back up occasionally when things in my life were in a diff place, I never had that reaction again. Looking back, it wasn't the smoke that was CAUSING it, it was anxiety, but the anxiety was manifesting itself whenever I'd smoke. Uh, did that make sense? Where's my weed?
Kat - 2006-08-03 17:10:58
I just wanted to say that thank every holy good thing that you have this diary. Just keep on writing, and if you need someone to talk to you can e-mail any one of us. What Cheri said above has happened to me as well. Hang in there. K.
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-08-03 18:04:49
damn, girl, you deserved to get hammered. And I'm sure nina will give you a few pointers on how to raise your kids while her own are out in the backyard lighting things on fire. ;)
jennifer - 2006-08-03 22:56:50
Don't disparage yourself. I would have flipped out the same way over your 10 seconds with Bo. I probably would have excused myeslf to the bathroom where I would hop up and down and squeel.

It's not fair that when you quote Dane cook in your diary, I'm like "YES!! YESS!!! I know that one!" (I love the coat quote, it's a new classic) but when you do it in real life, it flies RIGHT over my head. I only heard Retaliation once or twice with my old roommate. If you guys would have quoted his older stuff ("Fuck shoes!") then I would have gotten it. Heh.

I know hindsight is 20/20, but I think we probably should have chatted on the phone more before meeting! Ah well. I know I'm just a diaryland person, but you can call and vent on me. I may not have as much life experience as you, but I try my best to be a good listener. Heck, my grandma's sister-in-law called her a few days ago from Connecticut to tell her how good her and her husband felt after talking to me and really feeling like I was attentive. So I got that going for me, which is nice. (Caddyshack quote there if ya didn't catch it)

I want to hear more about the myspace guy. You smiled the most when you'd look down at your phone. Haha. I prod.
lildebkitty - 2006-08-04 09:09:27
Okay missy. Those are exciting 10 seconds, believe me I understand. I understand alot of what you talk about. I have been there, I lost the friends that I knew all my life because they took my ex's side. But you know what, I am HAPPY NOW! If you need to talk, to vent to hear a real voice say I understand, a real ear to listen (instead of eyes to read) well then ask for my number I will listen, I will advise, I will cry with you, I will be a long distance shoulder to lean on. Life is to short to be miserable, a divorce well that will make you miserable for a few moments, but the happiness that comes after that is, well quite amazing. You can do it, you have kids, daddies have to pay child support. You can look into subsidized (sp) housing until you are on your feet. Make yourself happy and allow your heart to smile, no one likes to be around unhappy people, especially the person who is unhappy. I will keep you in my happy thoughts.
Smash - 2006-08-04 17:52:40
Okay, I'm shit at giving advice. So I won't. But I love ya and hope you get this thing sorted soon, one way or another, J. Take care babes. Smashxxx

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