
Jamie - 2006-08-15 11:01:39
This is where I have no solution and if your anything like me, have low tolerence with positive attitudes. So. I just want you to know your in my thoughts, and if you need a break I'm here only a few hours away. I wish things will get better for you. In the meantime, I have Baileys (along with other assorted boozes) and percs. *HUGS*
Prolifique - 2006-08-15 11:19:12
Is it too lame for me to just echo Jamie? Because that's about what I wanted to say, other than the Baileys and percs. I so wish I could help you.
jess - 2006-08-15 12:09:08
Dude, if I buy you a ticket to come visit me for a week, will you take it? You need another vacation, woman. I am worried about you! xoxo - me
Cheri - 2006-08-15 13:57:53
Awww...ok, so first things first. Weeds is on Showtime, Monday nights 9-9:30CST. If you don't get that movie channel, the first season just came out on DVD and BELIEVE ME it is well worth purchasing, or at least renting. You will LOVE this show. Mary Louise Parker won the Emmy for best actress for it last year. Awesome. Second, does your kids school offer before/after care? Working 8-5, usually the YMCA or the school or an independent company offers before/after care from like 6am until school starts and then after school until 6pm. I mean, the added expense sucks ass, I know, but if the 8-5 job is good it might be worth it. Third, if you'd like, I can do a resume for you in like 15 minutes...let me know! I'd just need the details (date, company, position, duties).
pantrypuff - 2006-08-15 14:19:26
maybe you should take the opposite approach. Drug HUB, put him in a closet and enjoy your day! :)
chillier - 2006-08-15 15:38:02
Oh my god I can totally relate to your Drinking Debate! Life is just easier to take when you're medicated, but then you get all fat and retarded. WTF? Why did God invent such a perfect gift as alcohol and then expect us to know how to regulate it?
Anneliese - 2006-08-16 12:57:27
Much as time spent with friends would be fun (and believe I've daydreamed about flying to you or vice versa plenty of times), we all know that it would only be a brief respite, and that something has to change. Do you have a plan? Maybe if you had a plan you would have a light at the end of the tunnel to look toward. What do you need and how can you go about getting it? I really wish drugs actually worked to really change something, as opposed to just distracting me.
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-08-16 14:37:45
I'm about to come up there and blow your husband's head off for leaving you with even more fucking kids to deal with. what a fucktard.
Cheri - 2006-08-16 15:49:14
Re your note on my site today, I completely know what you mean about going back b/c of guilt. That's why this time I'm in hiding, he has no clue where I'm at and I refuse to talk to him no matter how desperate he's getting. He even called my best friend a couple weeks ago supposedly suicidal. I know now that its all a manipulation tactic to get me on the phone because he knows once he does, I'll go back. All the other times I left him, I'd call after a day or 2 so he knew I was okay. This time nothing will make me call him. I may be strong, but I'm not made of steel and I can't handle hearing the "I love you"s and "I need you"s and "I know I fucked up"s etc.., etc.., etc..,
Amy - 2006-08-16 19:57:10
I've got nothing intelligent to add, just wanted to say that I'd be stressed as fuck too with all the crap you've got going on, and I'm sorry things are this bad. I don't think you are a trainwreck though. In my opinion that is someone who makes most of their own problems, not someone who is doing their best to deal with the shit that comes their way. Which I think you are. Anyway, *hugs*. Hope you can get things headed in a better direction soon.

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