
Cheri - 2006-08-25 13:45:55
Man I really miss good, passionate sex!!
pantrypuff - 2006-08-25 14:19:17
I can't believe your food stamps people are NICE. Come to Texas. We'll treat you like shit and make you LIKE IT!!!
Jamie - 2006-08-25 17:54:56
Ya know... I've been thinking about all the lovey-ness the Hub has been throwing at you. I think he knows he's fucked up hugely and is trying to woo you before it's too late. Oh and hate sex? There is nothing better. Nothing. :^)
Brianna - 2006-08-26 20:25:07
Well that sucks about the sex. Sometimes your better with a big ass vibrator and some porn. Ok, kinda scary, but you were in my dream the other night. Dont freak, I dream about everyone, I met my current boyfriend off myspace and I dreamt about the night we met. Anyways its a GOOD omen! So I think it was Bo who was the guy, cause he was good and all, and it was Mickeys birthday and you were drinking some beer, but I think you were going to marry Bo? And you were financially stable! Like I said, good omen =)
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-09-05 15:30:54
I'm lovin the waiting room entertainment. too bad you couldn't tape that shit. :D

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