
Kat - 2006-09-27 10:59:32
Good for you Girl!!! Congrats! Things are really going to change for you, in a good way. I will have the DTs everyday, but if you move diaries, please give me a heads-up. Don't stop writing. K.
Jenn - 2006-09-27 11:13:47
Congratulations on the job! :)
Kelly2 - 2006-09-27 11:30:51
Yay! Congratulations on the job. I wish you the best of luck and many good vibes for your new start!
freetobemee - 2006-09-27 11:43:24
YAY!!!!!! You go girl!! And, PLEASE...don't stop writing! I may have not have time to write in mine, but my day is just *that* much better when I get to read your updates! Besides, I'm sure you're gonna have some good stories to tell once you get at your jobby job! :) Congrats!!
biodtl - 2006-09-27 11:53:13
Anneliese - 2006-09-27 12:04:07
Yay, reliable income! But, who is going to take care of the kiddos when you work until 8? Hub? Also, Diaryland sucks in terms of customer service, so if you move, move elsewhere. They never fucking answer support questions, no matter how much money you pay. And how do you delete your diary? You can't! You have to delete each individual entry! Well, for as many entries as you and I have, that's very fucking time consuming.
Cheri - 2006-09-27 12:52:36
I Know This Much is True is AWESOME!!!! If you haven't read his first book, do that next - "She's Come Undone" EXCELLENT book.
Cheri - 2006-09-27 12:53:16
Also - congrats on the job beyatch. I can't wait for your updates once you're working - HAHAHAHA!!
Cheri - 2006-09-27 12:55:37
Ok, me again - your Snoop Doggy Dog comment reminded me of a joke: Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella? Fo' drizzle. LMAO!!
Smed - 2006-09-27 20:31:01
Woot! Woot! And don't leave. I've had nothing but good things to say about D-land. Don't be a traitor, babe! DON'T!
jennifer - 2006-09-27 21:46:58
Holy shit! You rock! I'm so proud. I would have picked the Nashua one, too. Sounds like more opportunity. Most people like going home to get away from work, but I have a feeling it'll be just the opposite for you! Heh. (P.S. Thanks for the music reccomendation. I love the White Stripes)
PoeticaL - 2006-09-27 23:51:58
congrats on your job...... It will all work out. You're on the right path for you. I feel it.
jess - 2006-10-02 17:08:21
Sorry for my absence, lovey! I've been in Hawaii and just got back. Congratulations on the job! I hope this saves your money AND sanity! I am so proud of you! :) Good luck! xoxo - me

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