
jennifer - 2006-11-11 23:25:38
Love you. Good to see you back. I perfectly understand!
Brianna - 2006-11-11 23:34:08
Whoa! I had applebees for lunch today too!
Anne - 2006-11-12 10:19:49
Hi! Since I'm new to the club, I promise no neglect felt. And everyone needs to take care of real life once in a while, hehe. And I should mention it was me cruising through the archives a couple of days ago. did you sleep last night??
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2006-11-12 12:30:28
good for you on the work buddy. I've never gotten to work with anyone seriously cool at ANY job I've ever had, so consider yourself lucky! :D
Anneliese - 2006-11-13 02:57:29
Hey, I'm taking it personally! I've been crying every night to Mike, how come Jackie hasn't written me back? I bet it's revenge because it took me two months to respond to her last e-mail. Maybe she's really mad at me and doesn't ever want to talk to me. I miss Jackie, and now she's left me by the wayside to talk about drinking with her buddy at work. I've been forgotten, boo hoo hoo. :P
jess - 2006-11-14 14:03:44
You bitch, I've missed you!!! xoxo - me
Jennifer - 2006-11-18 23:13:41
I'm on the "taking it personally" list. I mean here I've been updating every day and where u at? LMFAO. Just wanted to say HI on your diary...because I don't...because I'm an ass. But I'm an ass that's fond of YOU!

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