11 November 2006 | 5:24 p.m.


Ah, diaryland. Pardon me for my absence and my typos today. Bear in mind, that last sentence took five minutes to type. At any time, the Hubster could come in and ruin EVERYTHING. As per life as usual!

My life is this: work, life, work, kids, work, laundry, work, kids, life, work, grocery shopping, kids, doctor�s appointments, kids, work, dusting & vacuuming, etc etc etc. (Please note the absence of alcohol and other fave substances in that sentence. Non-fucking-fiction right there, folks).

My sincerest apologies to all that I have seemingly been ignoring. Most of you understand, some are taking it personally. DON�T. It�s just that I�m busy and it�s nothing against you. Sorry�and get over it. For serial. I am really busy and my internet access at work is restricted to the front page of MSN.com.

Speaking of which, THANKS AMERICA!!! For waking the fuck up. It�s about goddamned time. This could have been much easier if we�d seen eye to eye two damn years ago, but let�s let bygones be bygones. Fucking A right, lets work together and fix some shit.

Um, yeah, so other than life? I have a this weekend off. I love this shit. It has been all me and Minnnie and Mickey, no Daisy or Hub. Rock the fuck on. This morning�s festivities included the Vet�s Day parade in Nashua (Rock on and WELCOME HOME VETS) and lunch at Applebee�s, and then a beer drinking contest between me and�.um�ME. I won, btw.

I�ve got a new buddy at work. Hwer name is, uh, Secret Pal #1. She and I share a love for beer, and also the fact that we�re both married with kids. She has the same alcohol affects as me, waking un in the middle of the night due to boozahol. We have a code now when we see each other, �Sp how did uyou sleep last night?� AKA, �Did you drink last night?�. Does it get any better than that? Nay.

I am too buzzed to write. It�s too difficult. As evisdence, this entry. Fucking a right. Ciao and shite. =)

Listening to: jflsjls, sd,mndf,nsfksdmnf .,m

Currently reading: sldkhfskuhdfskbsigfknfas.mlkfd

Thinking about: ;dfjslijse;ksflkjdrsljnsdnfkjxdh;lx