28 November 2006 | 2:18 p.m.

"People on 'ludes should not drive."

Today is my one day off until December 9. I don�t mind working, I really don�t. Well, let�s say that I don�t mind being at work. It�s easy, it�s a pleasant place, I get along with all of my co-workers and there�s always eye candy around, it�s not home and it�s a nice break from home (and the people who live here). Plus, they pay me! It�s a win-win situation.

However, as much as I�m enjoying my job, life falls to shit when I�m not here, and I spend my time off doing the things that other people in this house cannot do. Like, grocery shopping. Or laundry (except Hub and the boys are on their own with their laundry, I handle mine, the little kids and the towels and bedding), vacuuming, cleaning the efiin� bathrooms and such.

I�m for fucking serious here, no one else notices that the toilet is seriously funked up or that the toothpaste crush on the faucet is eligible for carbon-dating. Dummies. Dummies, I say!

So, I had my day all planned out, nothing special but it was planned. Get up, take a shower, make a grocery list, get the kids ready & off to school, head right to the grocery store, come home, unload, do laundry, etc etc etc, and somewhere in there squeeze in a diaryland update before the kids get home. Oh, the excitement. You wish you were me.

Anyway, how could plans like that possibly get fucked up? You know they did. Beavis, who can wake his ass up any other day, slept late. I had dozed off after hitting the snooze button a few times, and woke him up, but, alas, too late for him to catch the bus. So, now my shower time is zilch because I have to give the boy a ride to school.

His school is directly on the other side of town, through which is nightmare snail�s crawl traffic both ways, particularly at 7:00 in the AM. SO, what would normally be a 20 minute round trip was 45 minutes.

Ugh. So, I skipped the shower, made my list up and went grocery shopping a little later than I�d planned.

Oh and! In further proof that the powers that be hate me, after discovering that I�d have to drive Beavis to school, I went back to my room to get dressed, and my light bulb burnt out. I get it, Big Guy. If that wasn�t enough, where yesterday was nice and 60 degrees outside, today is gray, rainy, and in the 40�s. Again, Big Guy, I get it.

I need a goddamned beer.

And if that wasn�t enough, Butthead is home from school today. Why? Oh this is fucking priceless. Because nobody woke him up. Dumb fuck is going to be 18 in three weeks and can�t wake his own dumb ass up. I mean, never mind that his supposedly �ex� girlfriend called here at 6:30, and then there was me yelling downstairs at approximately the same time. I�m telling you, I can�t fucking stand that kid. Turn 18 and move the fuck out, please.

The kicker is when did he finally wake up? Fucking 1:30. What a treat. I did not know he was home until the school called around 10:30 to say he was out. To which I said, �Oh, now that�s a surprise�. I texted Hub to let him know (I know, Hub is on the texting now! How fucking funny is that!), and he was all, �Tell him he can�t go anywhere�. Yeah. Until Butthead called him and asked if he could go out to get something to eat. And Hub, King Tard O� Tards, let him fucking go!

Did I mention that I went grocery shopping this morning? And I bought a shit load of, what that�s stuff called? Oh yeah, FOOD. WTF.

Fuck both of them. don�t make his problems mine is all I have to say. When Hub comes to me now complaining that Butthead pissed him off in some way that he�s pissed me off in before (but I was just a mean rotten bitchy evil stepmother when I bitched about it), I fucking laugh. HA HA HA. Deal with it. I do not care.

Hub and I actually have been getting along kind of decently, I guess, but that�s just because. Because I fucking said, that�s why. (Oh, sorry, I�m back into Mom-mode in about half an hour so I�m practicing).

Here�s something funny: Jay stopped by last week to ask Hub to help him bring in their new TV set. He and Nina went to Rent-A-Center and got a ginormous 52 inch plasma whatever TV. It only costs $1500 (cash cost, of course, but they�re making payments so it�ll end up costing them $3000 or something). Whatever, I�ve Rented A Centered before, mostly cuz of Hub, but I�m not above it.

What I am above, however, is paying for a TV like that and not having cable or even satellite TV. For serial! Why do they not have those? Outstanding bills, my friends. For the love of all that is fucking holy.

I don�t miss them living next door. I haven�t seen Nina or the kids since Columbus Day and that�s just fine with me.

I have been pretty antisocial for the most part lately, but that�s how I am this time of year. Christmas sucks. I hate it. It gets worse every year as I get older. Plus the cost. Ugh. Fucking pisses me off.

I think I�m going to go get some beer. I told myself I wouldn�t, but I�m caving in. Fuck it.

Ain�t I a fucking ray of sunshine! Ain�t you glad I updated! Ell Oh Fucking Ell.

TTYL! Like in another two weeks! =)

Listening to: "Shadrach" Beasties.

Currently reading: "The Camel Club" David Baldacci.

Thinking about: MMMMM, beer. Is there anything it can't do?