02 January 2007 | 11:43 a.m.

"She hates her life and what she's done to it"

Holy shit! I just checked my last update and realized that I did not update once in the month of December. Shite. I knew it�s been a while, but not that long. Whoops.

Fucking holidays. Goddammit am I glad they�re over. They were very skim here, with a minimal amount of cash spent, and I�m sure the kids noticed. Hub and I did not even get each other anything. Oh well. I really don�t care. The kids got what they asked for and a few other things, but certainly not as much as in Christmases past. I didn�t even do stockings. Things are tight and that�s not changing, so I chose not to stress myself out over things that I can�t change right now. More important than a ducky fucking Christmas is a roof over our heads, heat, lights, food, phone, cable, you know, those little things you take for granted.

The truck, unfortunately, is going back to the bank. It�s going to ruin my credit for years, but I have tried several different avenues and none are working for me. I trade to �trade down�, but my credit score sucks now anyway, as does the condition of the truck, so that was a no-go. No offers on a private sale, which won�t get what we anyway, and the bank is pretty hardcore about getting every penny. We�re two months behind and there�s no way we can get caught up anytime soon. Some weeks, I bring home more than Hub due to weather and holidays which he is not eligible to get paid for for another two months.

Add to that that I was out of work for three days the week before Christmas with strep throat. Which I don�t get sick pay.

Anyway, the truck needs to go. Hub has finally accepted it. He was really fooling himself for a while there. However, realizing that the payment equals my two weeks net pay (I get paid bi-weekly) woke his dumb ass the fuck up.

I still kick myself in the ass for signing for that truck, I really shouldn�t have, but woulda coulda shoulda, what�s done is done. When you get right down to it, I need to take care of my family first and that�s what I�m gonna do.

SO anyway. Butthead is no longer with us, he is now living in the blissful heaven of his mom�s house sleeping on the couch with his stuff stored at a buddy�s house. It�s been almost a month now, and it broke Hub�s heart to throw him out, but it needed to happen. It jkust so happened to be about all kinds of things that I�ve been bitching about the past few years, but that I was a bitch for saying. You know. Anyway, suddenly the dumb ass �didn�t care� about school anymore, and was skipping school without saying anything to us, and then hiding his tracks by erasing messages on the machine from school when he was out. Except he got busted because he is stupid and forgot to delete the school�s # from the caller ID. Dumb ass.

Anyway, Hub busted his ass finally and tracked him down at his fat ass whore of a mother�s house one Friday afternoon that he skipped school and ordered him home ASAP as he was grounded, and Butthead refused to come, saying that he was working at his mom�s roach cart the next day. Hub threatened to call the cops if he didn�t come home (you know, cuz he�s a fucking retarded cop caller that way), to which Butthead replied, �Well I�ll just tell the cops that I don�t want to live with you anymore�.

Um, wrong thing to say. Hub said, �Guess what, you just got your wish, you have two hours to get your shit and get the fuck out�. And he did. I�m sure he�s much happier sleeping on his mom�s couch, not going to school and working for her at the skuzz kitchen.

I don�t miss the kid at all. I felt bad for how it went down, and Hub has taken it hard, especially since the kid quit school. Which is stupid. Even Beavis, who is not the honor roll poster boy by any means, cannot wrap his head around why Butthead would want to quit school. He�s a dumb ass, is all.

Hilda is another story. We had her over the night before Christmas Eve. at the same time, Beavis had a buddy stay over. The little fuckers got a hold of some vodka and had themselves a little party. (That was dealt with, but at least they were here and not out somewhere). Somehow or another during the night, Hilda ended up freaking out and calling her boyfriend, who is 17 and who she�d been seeing a whopping two weeks, and she left here with him. !!! Bear in mind, we were right upstairs in our room, door open, sober, just sleeping. She just left. Then she called the next morning with this to say for herself, �I�m at my boyfriend�s, I can explain everything�.

Explain everything? Um, how about there�s no explanation for leaving the house like that whatsoever? Hub was bullshit. Especially when the kid�s mom came and picked her up! WTF! You just pick up a 15 year old girl at 11 pm at night from her father�s house without speaking to him? Hello? Oh, AND? Fucking Shawna knew too. Knew she left our house and didn�t bother to call. Like Hub called her the day Hilda snuck out of her house and called us to pick her up. Fucking stupid fat ass rotten toothed whore. She is, as the Spanish folks say, �kabrona�.

I have pulled myself away from responsibilities as far as his kids are concerned. I can�t even tell you the last time I picked up or dropped off Daisy. Oh well. I work 40 hours, I still do a majority of the household responsibilities, and I take care of my own kids, too. His kids have been a lot of trouble to me and I believe it�s time for him to step up to the plate and do his share for them. Also? They have their own mothers, so they don�t need another. I even had him Christmas shop for them this year. Fuck it. On his days off, he lays on the couch watching TV and doing nothing. Meanwhile, I�m doing laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc etc etc, so he can find it in his busy schedule to deal with his ingrateful rotten ass kids.

Is that harsh? Oh well. That�s the way it is.

I�ve got an hour before I leave for work. That�s going well. I really do enjoy going there, it�s a low stress job. I get along well with all my co-workers, so that�s cool. I like getting away from here, but also am more able to better value the time that I do have with my kids. I find myself doing so much more for and with them when I�m home.

Oh well, that�s all I�ve got for today. I�m out. Talk to you in another month or so.

Listening to: "Rockin in the Free World" Neil Young

Currently reading: "Trouble in HIgh Heels" Christina Dodd

Thinking about: