
Smed - 2007-01-09 11:49:45
Geez...I'm sorry, hon. Yeah, he shouldn't complain about the kidlets alone - that happens all the time, even when you're not feeling 100%. You gotta just deal with it.
x-plicity - 2007-01-09 12:06:47
Divorce his ass. You don't need him, especially if he starts to rough up your kids. Shirt pulling is an immature way for an adult to communitcate with a child.
nancy - 2007-01-09 12:22:07
God - I feel you. In fact, we went through a similar (though less dramatic) shirt-pulling incident recently. All because he can't control his emotions. he can't separate being mad about one thing or one behavior or one action and just being mad. He only has two setting - mad and not mad (aka everything's going my way) and as soon as something happens that he doesn't like, that's it - mad. I've said it a million times - we're married to the same damned asshole.
Prolifique - 2007-01-09 15:09:14
What an ass. I'm sorry, honey.
Anne - 2007-01-09 19:41:17
Can I send an AMEN? I have extenuating circumstances that keep me here, and like you am trying to put them on hold. For the next three years. After that, if he hasn't grown up enough to deal with real life? I'm out. I'm so sorry you have this to deal with.
So Charming (Amian) - 2007-01-09 19:45:16
Wow. Allll upset about his kids... what a coincidence that it just happened to hit him on the day you went out without him. *snort* I'm sorry he's being such a turd.
jennifer - 2007-01-09 23:10:55
As Dan Savage says: DTMFA. Dump the motherfucker already. He is physically violent, and frankly that is abuse. Then he goes and acts like nothing's wrong the next day. I'll tell you what, my Dad does the same shit. He doesn't hit, though. But he argues, and plays mental games.

What do you think Bevis puts more importance on? You (and his baby brother apparently) getting beat on and messed with, but having a fatherly figure around OR being without a father but having a mother that's finally happy and getting her life in order? I mean, Jesus. To put such little importance on your happiness (for the rest of your life) is ridiculous. Nobody deserves that kind of pain. You and my Mom really are a lot alike.

I agree that you need therapy. I know it's expensive, but isn't AA free? You can talk about how you drink to stay complacent. I'll bet you there's at least one other person there that knows exactly what you're talking about.
jess - 2007-01-10 00:30:05
I'm all about giving people changes, especially when marriage is concerned, but I had no idea that he was physically abusive to you or to your kids. That is just inexcusable.

If he really wanted to make an effort, he would suggest marriage counseling, instead of just getting counseling for himself. I mean, I don't think that's a bad idea, either, but I just don't see him making it about the relationship - it's all about him.

I'm sorry you are going through this. I love you, and I am here for you if you need anything. xoxo - me
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2007-01-10 12:36:08
i completely and totally support you. if anyone deserves a divorce, it's you. the quality of your life shouldn't be ruled by whether there's weed in the house. and his habit of breaking shit is beyond ridiculous.
Cheri - 2007-01-10 16:42:28
Hey baby - thx for your note on myspace - I've missed your drunk ass! :)
kristin - 2007-01-10 19:25:23
jesus jackie. i hope everything is okay. my thoughts go out to you and i hope you can figure out how to make yourself happy really, really soon! xo
freetobemee - 2007-01-11 00:13:07
Holy shit Jax..seriously, when the kids are invovled, that's just b/s. You and your kids deserve better than that...even if it means living in a two bedroom from now until least they'll know their mommy's happy and that THEY will (in the long run) be better off. Do what you gotta do (is what I always say) but PLEASE, don't let it get come to anger and violence. And I agree with everyone else...WTF is up with HIM getting counseling? YOU BOTH need counseling, not only for yourselves, but for your kids. I love you girl, and will always stand beside you. DO SOMETHING...your kids need you now more than ever...and PLEASE keep updating...I need to know you're okay. Love ya!
Acorn - 2007-01-24 00:22:53
Man, if you're really set on making it work - get outside help. Do the counseling. It's helped me and my hubby to see a different side of things, even when we both thought there was nothing left...

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