01 December 2003 | 2:26 p.m.

a short description of this entry for the "older links" page:

Mental health day. I personally think Mondays are the best choice, and I couldn't have made a better one today. Between the holiday, working the day after and Saturday, then spending the bulk of the day yesterday with my dear mother in law, I found myself in need of a real day off. I called work and lied and said the little ones are sick. I feel bad lying, after all my ranting yesterday about it and how much I hate liars, then I go and do it. Hypocrite. But, it was for a good reason. That reason being that I would have felt bad calling in and saying, "I am in no mood to go there today", because that in all actuality is the truth.

I've spent the day catching up on a little laundry, playing with the kids and fucking around on the computer. I made a nice lunch with soup and quesadillas. I kept the two little ones home with me (I'm a nut like that--I'll take the day off and even though they can still go to daycare as I'm still paying for it, I keep them home with me and then regret it later in the day. Every time.) and they started asking to go to the park. When we used to live downtown, we had a crappy apartment with no yard, so I took the kids to the park to play all the time. Last year, we moved into a nice place in the boonies, with a nice big yard to play in, and the kids still ask to go to the park. I don't mind taking them when I can, especially since the weight loss cuz I can swing and go down the slide and stuff, but not on December 1. Please. So my two little precious angels have their little hearts set on going to the park due to my being wishy-washy and not giving them a firm "no". And I really don't want to go out, so I was looking for any copesetic reason to give the kids for not going without breaking their dear little hearts. Aha! About 15 minutes ago, I found a great one outside my window--SNOW! Yey, snow! Sorry kiddos, no park today! Even if it stops, it's going to be cold and wet, you can't go to the park when it's cold and wet. I really can't stand snow, I absolutely hate it. That and the cold. I should not live where I live, as we are subject to cold and snow every winter, but I'm happy to be stuck where I am, so I just bitch about it. Sometimes, snow works to my advantage. Like today, for example.

Of course, here is how my karma works. After reveling about how this snow has worked to my advantage and helped me weasel out of taking the kids to the park and thereby breaking their sweet little hearts, somehow or another the whole situation will bite me in the ass. Like, say, the snow turns into a major snow event and dumps like a foot or two on the ground, making things all the more difficult for myself.

ADD is kicking in. Time for some short attention span web surfing. Bye.

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