14 March 2004 | 6:05 a.m.

Yo! Shout-out! Representin'!!!

This is a "shout-out" to the folks who read me regularly and leave me notes. I like never reply because I'm lazy and thoughtless (seriously, this is in real life, too--I'm slow to return phone calls, I forget birthdays, I don't send Christmas cards even though we always get a bunch, and what the fuck is a "thank you note" good for, especially when you already thanked that person in person?). Gypped cracked me up this morning with the mention of cake. There's also Chickpea981, and Azelya and also Epipie.

Whoa! Four links! So early in the morning. Thanks to Chickpea981 for hooking me up with the generic link in my notes. I used it, and it only took me 1/2 as long.

Of course, four links makes higher odds that I fucked one up. We'll see!

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