27 June 2004 | 1:19 p.m.

Pending the final pound in my 100 lb weight loss goal!

Como esta usted, muchachas y muchachos!

I've got a few minutes, and I'm here hooking up my new printer-scanner-copier thinga-ma-whatsie. What a great little piece of hardware for $150, it knocks the socks off the crappy little 3 year old printer I had before. I couldn't even hook my old scanner up to the new computer, since it was a circa-1998 (holy schmokes! old!!!) and the company that made it went bust, and windows XP is so fussy about the drivers and all that shit. Holy crap and now I can scan images and since I'm a freakin' GOLD MEMBER, i can post images! Whoa! Maybe some before and afters, me at 100 lbs heavier, me now.

Technically, I'm still at a 99 lb weight loss, but hopefully this week I'll shed that last pound. I still think I could stand to lose another 5-10, but I'm thinking I could get into anorexia territory if I keep up that thinking so I'll just stick to my original goal. I'm so excited to be so much thinner, I weigh less than I was pre-pregnancy for my oldest (we're talking almost 14 years ago, as the boy just turned 13). It's wonderful, but the old body does not look the same as it did in 1990. HAving three kids added some beateous stretch marks, and 6-7 years of being 80-100 pounds overweight has made for some lovely extra skin. Thank God for clothes and one piece bathing suits. I'm considering "Extreme Makeover" for a slight overhaul, a tummy tuck, some lipo, maybe some cosmetic dentistry, that's all. I'm happy with the face overall.

Blah, blah, blah. Thursday is my last day of work and Friday we're blowing town for a week and going on a much needed family vacay. It'll probably be two weeks before I'm back on here, but I'll be back.

Adios, amigos y amigas!

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