09 August 2004 | 8:40 a.m.

Aimless Rambling about nothing in particular.

PMS week has hit it's climax, since I just almost started crying reading the friggin' Yahoo! personals. They can be so sad, all those poor, lonely people. I saw about 10 I'd hook up with. But then I read the one guy who's wife died while she was pregnant with his son (he died too) and was soooooo sad, tears welled up, and then further down it listed his religion as a Buddhist and I knew, it was time for a 'pin.

I know, why the hell was I reading the personals? Not looking for a man, I just like to look for people I know. I saw a few. It kills time, even though I can think of a billion other things I could be doing, like clearing out the inch of dust on everything in my living room, or cleaning the bathrooms, or paying attention to my dear little children (WHo, by the way, want no part of me right now since Spongebob is on. God bless Spongebob).

I'm so lame it's unreal. I don't know why anyone reads this. But I like that I'm read. Really.

Here is my Buddhist exercise for the day. Take a moment, any moment, and just enjoy being in that moment. I've already done it several times, and it's kind of nice. I enjoyed a great big hug with Mickey, the devil's spawn, and smelled his hair and just enjoyed it...Then I watched a tree out front sway in the breeze and looked at where the sun hit it...beautiful. I could do that all day. Hook me up with a lotus flower and a bodhi tree and let me meditate until I'm enlightened. I'll need a babysitter, too, though. CHildren aren't very conducive to meditation.

I have a friend that I've known since I was 18. We'll call him "Smokey". I've probably written about him beofre but I can't remember what the hell I called him and I'm not about to go searching so frokm now on, he's Smokey. Anyway, Smokey is into tai-chi and kung-fu and just got his black belt almost a year ago. Unfortunately, the little school he'd been going to turned into "Mc-Dojo" and became all about the benjamins, so Smokey kind of dropped out of it after he got his belt. Recently, he hooked up with a class in Chinatown with a little Chinese woman who's been in some kung-fu movies in the 60's. He says, she's all of 4'11", if that, "and can ruin my whole day if she wanted". She's teaching all this really great Asian shit, insisting he learn a little Cantonese AND some Buddhist principles. Dude, I'm so jealous. He's the closest thing I know to another Buddhist. One day when I can, I'm getting rid of the kiddos and taking a ride into Chinatown. He was telling me about it yesterday. He needs to practice himself some Buddhist, cuz he can get wound up like a top.

I suppose I should get off my ass and face this day. I've got to go explain the difference between Nick and Nick Jr to the girl, who just can't get how they're on the same channel. I wouldn't want her to go through life with the disillusion that Spongebob is on NIck Jr. Geez. WHat would people think?

I'll be gone, but I will still pray for your happiness and good fortune under the bodhi tree.

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