26 January 2005 | 10:52 a.m.

Ain't no wrong, now, ain't no right...

Welcome to dysfunctional family morning. And guess what! It�s snowing. What a lovely surprise. The boys got the day off from school. We are expecting a whopping 1-3 inches and they called off school. WTF? They never did that when I was in school. The best we�d get was a 90 minute delay. These damn kids are babied. School districts are pussies, big time, man.

I suppose it�s a fair trade off, when I was in school they weren�t run by Nazis like they are now. Thanks a fucking lot, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. It�s all your fault. Hope you�re enjoying your eternity in hell!

Anyway, more on the home front. Hub was in major kiss ass mood yesterday after our tiff. He actually feels bad for calling me a bitch. He doesn�t even do it like abusively, at least not directly, but more like if I apologize he�ll say �It�s okay, you�re just a bitch�. And I hate that. I don�t call him a cocksucker or asshole or anything when I�m pissed at him. (Unless it�s in here, but there�s lots of stuff I put in here that I wouldn�t say to him, either). So he tried. And for that, he got a nice AM lay. (Not PM. I was drinking, silly. I was on this thing chatting away and listening to Jane�s Addiction �Ritual de lo Habitual� like the best CD ever).

Fast forward to later this morning, when I actually tackled that billing (although envelopes still have to be printed and I need to write a lovely letter regarding the change in the billing--but right now I�m on break). He totally fucked up my almost idiot proof job list. Which resulted in several phone calls to him so I could ask questions, but turned more into a bitch session. Yeah, I am so going to be that bitchy boss. (You should have heard me it went kinda like this: �YOU DIDN�T PUT DOWN SALT AND SAND, DO I NEED TO FUCKING CHARGE FOR SALT AND SAND?� He says, �I�d have to look at the paper�. I says: �I AM DOING THIS NOW! NOT WHENEVER THE FUCK YOU ROLL IN!�).

Mayhaps, I am a bitch. Ya think maybe? Well not as a title, but I can act like one if need be. Otherwise, I�m the coolest chick you ever met. Hands down. The female Fonzie. Ayyyyyyyy.

But we sorted it out (the �pin I took helped a lot). He just doesn�t get my end of it at all, and so we are going to sit down and I�m going to show him exactly how I�d like this job list filled out. He�s getting the special ed course.

Yeah, and as of later this week, early next week, I will be the newest business owner in NH. I�m not quite as freaking out as the other day, because again, I was thinking about some of the idiots I know around town that run businesses, and if they can, I can.

We�re meeting with the accountant tomorrow night to go over the final details. It�s exciting and scary at the same time.

And what a delight to have the boys here today. Just ducky. Fucking Butthead is always looking over my shoulder on here and it irks the living shit out of me. In the same way that someone reading the newspaper over my shoulder does. But the other night he says, He just wants to see what I�m doing. Which is none of his fucking business. Which I told him. But then he goes and describes dland AND my diary to a �T�. I told him my diary is a kama sutra website for yoga sex. That ended that discussion. Nosy little fuck. WAIT until the little shit leaves his IM open. Just WAIT. Should I out him as being gay (being that he is such a little homophobe), or that he enjoys wearing women�s panties? Or how about getting really sick and admitting to his girlfriend that he has sex with his sister? The possibilities are endless. Ideas?

Oh, better idea, one I pulled on Hub�s nieces friend (with her approval) on Christmas Eve. I started telling this kid that I (posing as the niece) had just had a big fight with my mom. And that I was going to stab her and run away. And that I needed his help to do it. She told me he was sensitive about his car, so I asked if we could stuff her body in his trunk and dump it. This kid was like, �this isn�t even you, is it?� It was so funny. I took it way too far, probably could�ve gotten arrested and everything. But we were laughing our asses off.

And I do have one night a week that�s mine. Wednesdays. Which it looks as if I�ll be screwed out of this one. After Weight Watchers, Andrea and Gina and I were going to go to Gina�s brother�s house again and blaze up some fatties. But, no, it looks like I have to skip it this week cuz of the weather. Dandy. But I�ve got Friday at Athena�s at least. Hopefully she�ll have booze. And I�d like to disappear for a while on Sunday. Just go do whatever, sans kids. Whether he likes it or not.

Anyway, I�m off to complete my project. After a �brief� stop by dland.


Listening to: "It's My Life" but not the No Doubt one, the first one, by the band who's name escapes me right now.

Currently reading: "Bad Boy" Olivia Goldsmith. I should fly through this one.

Thinking about: Fucking forecast said "light snow" and I beg to differ, this is NOT light snow.