27 January 2005 | 2:00 a.m.

Oh Yeah, Ya Gotta love her *gag*

Oh my god I need to vent. Since when in my life, in a time of crisis, would I come running to d-land instead of a friend or something? Well, considering it�s after midnight, I don�t think any of my friends are up, except friends in like say Cali, who are going through their own issues right now and aren�t available to chat anyway, not that I would vent this crappola to him anyway, but you see what I�m saying.

Speaking of Cali, I was just chatting with Yahoo man when I came upon my lovely little tidbit of info via the internet. And Yahoo man just does nothing for me anymore. Wasn�t I like fucking the shit out of my husband because of him? Yeah. Nothing. Nada. Zip. A week or two ago, he sent me a couple of more pics, and well, they weren�t anywhere near as cute as the first pic I got. And sad to say, that just turned me off. Personality is most important with me, but the package has to be attractive too, attractive to me that is. Not quite like Brad Pitt, although I wouldn�t complain about that. But you know. He does nothing for me now. Too much cyber. Lay off a little.

So we all know I�ve kind of got a devious side to me. I don�t think there is one person alive who knows exactly how devious I am besides myself. Well, let�s just say, that deviousness paid off a few good years ago, when I discovered a way to access information on a certain person that I normally wouldn�t have access to. And I�ve kept this secret from my husband for, oh, four years or so, because I don�t want him to be an accessory to the crime should I get caught. Which, knock on wood (or in the case of this desk, particle board), hasn�t happened yet. Cuz I�m sneaky, too, and I always cover my tracks.

So now I can just imagine what�s going to come up in court. Let�s see how she tries to fuck Hub again. Cunt. I mean, she is obviously very envious of us. We both drive nice vehicles, not brand new but nice, a 1999 truck and a 2001 minivan, the truck we own outright (paid cash). We live in a great area with a beautiful place, even if we only rent. Materialistically, and that�s where it hurts The Douchebag, we are much better off than her. And you know that fucking kills her.

That and she�s fucking greedy. If she could collect more child support based on my child support contributing to the household, she would.

Fucking fat stupid skanky ass douche bag. She is ABSOLUTELY UNBEARABLE!

I�m just so sick of it. It gets to the point where I don�t want any part of it. To the point where sometimes I think if we get one more ounce of grief from either of his exes (especially that one), I�m fucking gone.

I got myself into this, I know. I knew the situation from the time I hooked up with him. They were in the midst of the divorce and the drama was incredible. I suppose at first, it seemed kind of exciting. That didn�t last long at all. But I stuck around for it anyway, even gave myself a supporting role in it with the custody bullshit.

But I�ve had enough, really. I�m so fucking sick of it. I tried to do my best to mend things and she�s still a douche bag. It fucking never ends. I thought Dick was going to be a problem. Yah. He�s out of sight, out of mind.

Fucking Douchebag�s fat ugly face is all up in my business. Rrrr. I�m telling you, I don�t see myself doing another fucking 11 years of this shite. Either she has to die or I�m getting a divorce.

This is what I get for marrying �damaged goods�. That�s what a woman at work tells me about him. She�s also said things like, �Face it, you married beneath you�. And not even in a mean way, just lightheartedly matter of fact.

Not to say that all guys with kids and ex-wives are all bad. Not at all. I just happened to pick the one with the excess baggage. Fucking baggage doesn�t end. It�s everywhere.

And it drives me nuts how he�s always blaming everything on her being a cunt. Yes, she is. She�s the kind of bitch that you can�t miss a mile away. When she does something to piss me off, one of the phrases I will use is, �I don�t know how you didn�t see a CUNT like her coming from ten fucking miles away!� He hates that but it�s true. Example, sometimes my girlfriend who does my hair cuts Douchebag�s or Daisy�s. We just found out about that last summer. My girl commented on what a whack job she is. Another example, we have an account over at Rent@Cener (it�s Hub�s fault, I know we�re getting ripped off! I know!) where The Douchebag recently had an account. Even though the account is in Hub�s name, I�m the one who makes the trip down there to pay it every other week (those guys dig me, too, I can tell). So, when I said my last name once, which is the same one that The Douchebag hung onto after their divorce, they said her first name. And we got into this big discussion about her. Seems as though she�s not very popular there. The manager hates her and regularly trashes her to me when I�m there. And her favorite dive bar? The bartenders can�t stand her.

So you can plainly see, she�s earned her nickname. But Hub will blame everything on her and not take responsibility for his role.

Yes, he was married twice before. Both poor choices. (Heck, I probably am too, seeing as I�m Satan). The first time, you can kind of excuse. They had a baby together when he was just 18 and she was still 17. he was young. But then again, he couldn�t wait to get out of the marriage two or so years later when SURPRISE! Hilda was on her way. That�s not so excusable.

But The Douchebag? I think the bed was still warm from Shauna sleeping there when Douchebag moved in. No shit. They married after like maybe 5 months? And he couldn�t blame age this time, because he was a little older, like 24, 25. And you can�t blame it on her being hot or anything. She is anything but. Short, fat, not an attractive face at all, but she pretties herself all up and shit. Sometimes too much.

And everyone Hub knows told him NOT to marry her! They all warned him against it. See, see, right there---------> the red flag! Look!!! But, no, he fucking married her.

But he slowly figured her out, and soon couldn�t stand her. Which does not explain why, at the height of his extreme distaste of her, he went ahead anyway and purposely got her pregnant. Purposely. Not even on accident. (Which is really the only way to do it. There is no adrenaline rush as killer as the one you get when you find out you�re pregnant and that�s the very last thing you want/need/could give a crap about).

Anyway, I�ve got to end this. Hub is having problems falling asleep without me. Boo hoo. I slept alone two fucking nights this week.

Anyway. Yey rant.

WTF he just came down again! Fuck!


Listening to: "Honey! Are you coming to bed or what?!"

Currently reading: 'Bad Boy" Olivia Goldsmith

Thinking about: That fucking douchbag!!!