06 February 2005 | 7:57 a.m.

The "M" in "MILF"

Any halfway decent mom will say that they do not have a favorite child, that they love all their children the same. Of course. But an honest mom will say there is one child that�s a little special, that gets away with a lot more than the other kids. This mom says that child is Mickey.

I got to spend a lot of quality time with Mickey yesterday. We went to the grocery store together, and last night Hub took the girls out with him for about an hour, leaving me with Mickey and Beavis. But Beavis was down in San Andreas town, so he hardly counts. I spent that hour doing nothing but paying attention to Mickey.

He is just so cute. Four is such a great age. The way he talks is adorable, he kind of over pronounces his words and has a slight lisp. It can melt your heart. He has these stacking cups, they were Minnie�s as a baby and I�m surprised we still have them. They have pictures of the Sesame Street muppets on them. Mickey doesn�t watch Sesame Street much, so I was having fun quizzing him about them. I said, �Which one is Oscar?� and he went and got the green Oscar cup and said, �This one is Oscar, he�s the yucky one�. Too cute. Yes, Oscar is yucky.

I�m going to sound all Christian-y here, which I rarely do, but I truly believe that Mickey was sent to me as a gift from God. Of course, all my kids are, but I really believe he was sent to me for a reason.

He came along at the end of Dick�s and my relationship. Like the hell period. When I had an ultrasound and they guesstimated conception as being in November of 1999, I couldn�t even remember having sex that month. (When I told Dick, his response was the same, �We had sex in November?�). I went into a good case of denial and didn�t totally acknowledge the pregnancy until I was about four months along, after Dick was gone. (I felt completely different in that pregnancy than my others, none of that awful fatigue, no aversions to food, etc, and my missing period? I blamed it on stress, as I was under a great deal of it at the time). But, the denial was essential to my getting rid of Dick, which HAD to be done.

When he was born, he was the cutest little thing. Dick couldn�t deny him from birth, he had the same feet and the same �package�. I knew that Mickey would look just like him, although he doesn�t look as much like Dick as I�d expected. He didn�t get the blue eyes, and his hair has been changing from blonde to brown (still the same hair though. Same exact crazy hair).

I had two wonderful weeks to bond with my precious little baby when he got diagnosed with his heart defect. And that was the scariest part. Why? Why did my baby have to be so sick? If my baby is going to have a chance of dying, should I love him as much as I do? Really, I thought about not getting as attached to him. But, in the end, I went the opposite way and just showered him with love. I thought, if I have a chance of losing my baby, then I�m going to love him as much as I can in the time I have him.

I got something from LittleHearts about God choosing special moms for special kids, and then I knew that he was sent to me. Because I could take care of him the best. I get all teary about this, as I am now, because it�s just so true. As much adversity I had back then, being a single mom with three kids, with a pyscho ex, etc, I made sure he got the care he needed.

Handing over a six week old baby for open heart surgery was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Especially when I�d done all my research and knew every step of the surgery. I had totally put my faith in God at that time, I knew that whatever was meant to happen would. And he came out with flying colors.

So here�s some pics I took of us last night, me and my special little boy. I�ll be locking this one up eventually, but I�ll leave it open for now.

He�s silly:

This one is just so cute, because he was explaining something to me at the time:

That�s me and my baby! Probably my first entry ever where I haven�t referred to any of my kids as little bastard or little fucker.

Happy Superbowl Sunday! Go Pats!!!

Listening to: Radio's not on. Nick is on TV.

Currently reading: "Bad Boy" Olivia Goldsmith

Thinking about: It's funny how I can be writing this nice little entry about the boy, and he acts like ass.