18 March 2005 | 10:44 a.m.

Yet another ADD entry, including some sex and drugs


Hub�s family. What a fucking mess. Unbelievable. Hub was gone for hours yesterday dealing with his sister Tina who was having a fucking nervous breakdown (which I learned in psych that there really is no such thing, but I�m doubting that now, as she is clearly on the brink of one). All I can say publicly is that I don�t know how my mother in law, Millie, can live with herself. Honestly. You get blessed with 10 kids and every single one of them has serious issues based on a childhood that very few of us could imagine. I�d have killed myself.

I know I�m doing my share in fucking my kids up, but nothing like this woman. And to hear he talk, she was just this nice, devoted, adoring, church going mom who just wanted the best for her kids. Which is so far from the truth it�s not even funny! And she whines about some of her kids hating her. Well, she whines about fucking everything, but it�s kind of annoying to listen to her whine about her kids. Get a grip, woman. Go to counseling with Tina. See what you think about what comes up in there.

I�m absolutely amazed that none of these kids grew up into a serial killer or something. Only one has really had serious problems with the law, and it�s been a decade or so since he was in trouble. Fucking amazing. Millie should be thankful for that.

And good for my husband having a druggie, pill popping wife. He knew right where to go to get a few cl0nipins for Tina to get her to chill the hell out. And it worked. She even called to thank him this morning. What a mess. Her husband�s words to Hub, �You did more for her in one night than I have been able to do in 16 days�. This man has dealt with her freaking out for 16 days. My hat�s off to him.

Anyway. Hub and Butthead (who went along just to see for himself that it�s not so bad here, I guess, not that he�s unhappy here or anything) got home after nine last night. I got to listen to the breakdown of events from both of them for about 45 minutes, and then Smokey came over.

I was supposed to pick up some schmoke the other night, but it didn�t work out. I guess Peter Pot Pusher has a regular Wednesday night engagement involving big balls and funny looking shoes. Going to Peter�s house is a chore for me. Not that I don�t like to, it�s just so damn time consuming. So, I texted Smokey yesterday to see if he could help me hook up. He called me right back and said, �Oh yeah! This shit is OFF THE HANDLE! Whoo! It�s so good, I have to check my blood sugar after smoking it!�. You know it�s good weed when it affects your diabetes, I guess, especially a healthy diabetic like Smokey.

(Oh, and I wonder why it�s been so difficult to find smoke around here. Looks like the cops have been busy . You know it�s a big bust when they release as few details as possible. You should have seen the pic of this bust in the paper. Let�s just say, if I had a big freezer and this much weed, I�d be set for life).

So, Smokey came over to pick up the cash. And we sat and shot the shit for a few. I love Smokey. He�s my bud. Ya know he�s a black belt in kung fu? He no longer trains up here now. He hooked up with a woman in Chinatown, Donnie Yen�s mom. Smokey says, she�s incredible. Teeny tiny woman who could �wreck your whole day�. The more he tells me about Chinatown, the more I want to go with him one day. Just to chill and check it out. I love anything Asian. Obviously, if you�ve seen my layout.

Anyway. I�m all ADD this morning. Sorry.

So, Smokey left around 11 and it was just me and Hub in the living room. I was thinking, �Gee, I could go for some sex right now� and I swear Hub read my mind, because he came over to me on the couch, pulled down my pants and began eating me right there. What a pleasant surprise. Of course, being Ms. Paranoia, all I could picture was one of the boys coming up and walking in on that scene. Imagine that for a second.

So, we took it upstairs once I could get up. I hate interrupting good sex, but it had to be done. It was great, of course, I just love when I can let my mind go and just be a pig with him. He does too. He has a problem coming when he�s really high though. What�s up with that? I am the opposite. My two favorite things to do while I�m high: eat and have sex. Not always in that order. Anyway. I�m rambling.

I�ve noticed, since I haven�t had any other man interests lately (aside from Peter Brady, Bam Margera and the guy who played Peter Gibbons on �Office Space�, my three latest fantasy boyfriends), that we haven�t been having sex as much. We�re down to twice a week now. I know, how does he live, right! How do I live? But, my conscience is kind of clear, so whatever.

But, I predict that will change soon, too. Spring is coming. I love spring. It makes me so horny. Especially in May, when the trees start to get green, everything gets green, and it�s that nice, fresh, new green of spring. Damn does that get my juices flowing.

And this year, I can be outside enjoying it, as opposed to sitting in a building working and seeing it before 8 am, at lunch and after 5 pm. (Have I mentioned how much I love not working for someone else anymore? How I never, ever want to do it again? And how I�ll probably have to someday, and that kills me?) Nope, this year, I�m going to be enjoying it. With camera in hand.

Anyway. That�s all for this morning. After doing MozAngeles�s survey last night, I�ve been stricken with the urge to do one of my own. Another little project to keep me from paying attention to the kids and the house and crap. And here it is . It�s totally mental, just like me.

Anyway, happy weekend! See you tomorrow, Saturday Dland Dorks Club!!!


Listening to: Hole. "Doll Parts". I think that's the name of it.

Currently reading: "Swticheroo" Olivia Goldsmith.

Thinking about: Mickey is really being a bitch today. WTF?