17 March 2005 | 10:47 a.m.

Cell phones and Moochers

I am all like �Weeeeeeeee!!!� this morning. I was in that crappy ass mood yesterday and then finally just felt like �fuck it all� and felt 100% better. And then, AND THEN, I went to Weight Watchers and got the good news that I lost 8 lbs last week, bringing me back down under my goal weight. Yey, me! 8 lbs�I don�t think I�ve ever lost that much in one week, I think my biggest loss in one week was like 7.6 lbs or something. Close but no cigar. Now I just have to stay on track so I #1 can keep it off and #2 get onto losing that extra 10 lbs that I�ve been wanting to lose.

Yeah, the flickr pictures over there are great, ey? I don�t know how long I�m going to leave that up. Until I get all freaky paranoid, I guess. But flickr is �wicked neat�, man. I love it. Especially now that I�ve decided to go bananas with the camera more than I have been. Anyway, that man is my husband. The big boy is Beavis, obviously. Sooner or later I�ll get a pic of me up there. I�m the one with the camera all the time, so I just don�t have that many of myself.

I�m still waiting for someone I know in real life to find this, if it hasn�t happened to me already. Which if you do know me, the next time you see me, just say �dukkha�, okay?

Anyway, I have turned into one of those cell phone assholes that I couldn�t stand before. I�ve had my phone turned on for exactly a week today (it took a while for Hub to get all the fuck ups straightened out) and now I love it. Last night, I stopped at St0p & Sh0p (I just love to go to the fucking supermarket, ey?) and Hub chirped me on the direct connect advising me to call my dear cousin. So there I was, in the supermarket, like an asshole, talking on my cell phone. Shoot me. Not only that, but I even made a call while driving! All those things about cell phones that I couldn�t stand, I have become.

And guess what? I don�t care.

Oh my god. Someone in my life is really starting to get on my nerves. Like big time. (Now that I�m all paranoid about being discovered, I�ll just say it�s �Smitty� and if you�ve been reading you know who that is). He looks real good and is a ton of fun to party with but that�s where it ends. He�s a moocher. I don�t like moochers. My bro Ned is a classic moocher. You know the type, they�re everywhere. I don�t mind hooking people up with shit, I am a pretty generous person. And I hate when people take advantage of that. Constantly asking for this or that. It�s all little shit, I�m not being put out or anything, but it�s just annoying. Needs a paper towel to blow his schnoze (which, I�m kind of a paper goods Nazi, I�ll admit it, and I don�t know why he can�t use a friggin� tissue), has to use the bathroom and drag mud and shit all through my kitchen almost every morning, will ask for coffee if I have it out, has bummed a can of Ska-bettios (Beavis used to call it that, Minnie calls them Pis-skettios, and ironically enough, my baby Mickey calls them plain old Sp@gettios), toilet paper, always needs a glass of water or needs to use the phone�which it�s a good thing I have unlimited long distance because it�s always to call Mass (which is like five minutes down the road but it�s still long distance!).

The other thing that bugs me is that they haven�t been consistent with drop off or pick up times and that bugs the fuck out of me. It�d be nice to know when to expect the kid at 10:00 and when to expect the kid at 8:00. And pick up time can vary by an hour and a half. And they also are the parents that have had the most problems paying me. I�ve been patient, they�ve always paid eventually�it�s just nerve-wracking. As it stands now, they still owe me for last week. But that�s like a secondary worry�I just can�t see being that much of an ass about money. It�s not like they�re ripping me off or anything.

I�m venting. It�s not that I don�t like him or his wife, I do. I just feel taken advantage of and I don�t like that one bit. It�s happened to me too much in life. I doubt they even mean to, it�s just his nature. I�m not like that. I�m too proud and too independent to mooch shit off of people. If we had no cash for food, I�d take the kids to dinner at the soup kitchen before I asked anyone for food. The soup kitchen, food pantries, etc, that�s what they�re there for. Not my neighbors and family. But that's me.

Of course, if they found out I was doing so, I know I�d get a ton of shit. �Why�d you do that? I would�ve helped out!�. But, so far it hasn�t happened. I�ve been waiting for that day since Beavis was born and it still hasn�t happened. KNOCK ON WOOD (well, in the case of this desk, knock on particle board).

Yakkity-yak. I�ve got to get off of this thing and get motivated before the rest of the kids show up. Another delightful Bobby and Cindy day. Which reminds me, I am giving babysitting notices soon. The �I want kid� will be through on April 29 and I think I�m going to keep Bobby and Cindy until the end of the school year. Their parents are really good at being consistent and paying me every week, and I�ve only got them from 12:30 until 4:00 two days a week. It won�t kill me to keep them until then. Anyway, that�s my tentative plan. Always subject to change.

Anyway, off I go!


Listening to: Alice In Chains. I don't know the name of it. "Like the coldest winter chill..." That one.

Currently reading: "Switcheroo" Olivia Goldsmith

Thinking about: Mickey wants a Slim Jim. "I want a slim jim, mommy, I want a slim jim"