16 March 2005 | 9:25 a.m.

I'm back, he's fine, we lived.

Well, we lived through it. Or, shall I say, the boy lived through it.

He is what they call a �difficult patient�, like Elaine on Seinfeld. Actually, I call him that. I have been since his diagnosis at two weeks old. When I made the reference to a resident doc at Dartmouth way back then and asked him to put it in Mickey�s file, he got it. He was the only one, though. I guess doctors don�t watch Seinfeld much.

Anyway, they sedated him first. He didn�t want any part of that. Yummy pink medicine to make him feel woozy was not what he was into, so we had to do the whole block the nose and shoot it down thing, which resulted in pink sticky medicine all over my jeans. Then they had the audacity to put on of those hospital bracelets on him, which pissed him off royally. He actually managed to get the thing off his wrist.

Once he started getting a buzz, we put it back on the other wrist, and he left it alone. It�s kind of funny to see your kid all fucked up. You know, in a legitimate kinda way. The doc gave him a sticker with Spongebob and Gary on it, and asked Mickey, �Who�s the snail?�. Mickey said something like, �hjsdfjhsdlfisduosierjbnnlkkaaa�. When we asked him again, he said, �ggggaaaaarrrryyyyyy�issssss�aaaaaa�.boooooooyyyyyyyyy� and then we knew he was ready to go.

Here is where the Catholic upbringing kicks in. They took him to the MRI room, where they�d be putting him to sleep, and I start FUCKING PRAYING. �Dear God, please let my baby be okay, please let him come out of the anesthesia okay, please let him be okay, I�m putting my faith in you that he will be okay�. And I�m thinking, �Where the fuck did that come from?�. It works for me though.

Anyway, we headed downstairs for something to eat at Au Bon Painintheass. I was so good, I had a banana, some fresh pineapple and a bottle of water. I just pretended it was strudel and an egg and bacon sandwich like Hub had. We went right back up after and waited. Once I started to think, �Okay, it�s time for me to get my little boy back, I want my little boy back, I want my little boy back�, the anesthesiologist came out and said he was doing great and he was waking up and we�d be able to see him in a few.

He was in the Radiology recovery room. Awake but still dazed a bit, with a bucket full of prizes. He didn�t want the pulse ox sat thingiemadoodle on his finger, and the IV and wire leads were pissing him off too, so I knew then he was fine. He pulled the IV out, we found out later. He just has no patience for the poking and prodding. None at all. I can�t say I blame him. And I can�t say he didn�t get it from me.

Oh, and I should mention one thing about what a sweet little girl I have in Minnie. When they got up yesterday morning and Mickey couldn�t have breakfast, she said to him, �Since you can�t have breakfast, I won�t have breakfast, either�. Is that the sweetest thing ever or what? Especially when you know that breakfast is the biggest meal of the day for these guys. They are big breakfast eaters.

So, we got home yesterday around five. Beavis was coming out with the phone for Hub. Some asshole plow customer who had a problem with the bill. Asshole. Anyway, then we get in, and Beavis had his progress report. Complete with a D and an F. Fucker. Just what I needed to come home to after an overwhelming day. And Butthead�s fucking mouth, which I am going to rip right off his fucking face one of these days.

Yeah, so I was not in a good mood at that point, and I still had to go get groceries because we were running seriously low on food. Ugh. To save time, instead of going to my favorite grocery store, H@nnaford, I went to one right down the road, St0p and Shop. Yah, save time my ass. It took me forever. Some things I liked better about S&S, like the huge tub of light sour cream that they don�t have at H@nnaford, and the generic gogurt 10 pack, and the 20 pack of fruit snacks. But that�s it. I wasn�t impressed with the meat department, and the produce was okay at best. The produce department is the ultimate test of a grocery store for me. Everything else can suck, as long as the produce is good. H@nnaford�s is way better than S&S in my humble little opinion.

I know, fucking lame, right? Whatever. I am in a mood.

The teenagers are driving me nuts. Butthead is an ass. I hate his mouth. He acts like he knows it all, and I said yesterday, �You want to keep running your mouth like that, you can get a friggin job and get your own place to live. Let�s see how much you know then�. Reminding me of the notice my dad put up on our fridge when I was a kid, �Teenagers, Get a job and move out now WHILE YOU STILL KNOW EVERYTHING�.

Anyway, that little bastard went to see Slipknot last night at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell. And Hub made him get up for school today. HA! Remembering that I let Beavis stay home after we saw the Beasties, I am waiting for the shit from him on that. Not my fault. I�ll just do what I do best with them lately, and ignore them.

Seriously. I have so had it with the mouths and the arguing and the shit they�ve been giving us lately, that I just don�t even talk to them or acknowledge them most of the time. I�ve had it, and it�s better than physical or verbal abuse. And want to know what happens when I do that? They want to talk to me, nicely. They have stories to tell me. It�s amazing.

I think Butthead�s problem is his car. He bought a 95 Geo Metro for $1200, his cash that he earned last summer. Hub had taken it to his bro-in-law�s shop to look at it before they bought it, and Bro said it was In really good condition, it was a good car, it just needed a couple of things (which I don�t remember what that was). Two days later, after being in Bro�s shop for a day, it died. WTF? We think Bro or one of his guys fucked it up. Which sucks. Guess what? Bro will not be taking care of any of our vehicles ever again, seeing that this isn�t the first time we�ve had a problem with him and I don�t know why Hub brought to him in the first place. It sucks for Butthead, who�s hard earned money is gone now. Supposedly, Bro can fix the car, and it�s been there a week now. Bro is an ass.

I can�t believe it�s Wednesday. It seems like Friday. I�m exhausted. We�re out of smoke, which doesn�t bother me as much as it does Hub, but it does make for a scatterbrained Dukkha. I am now the only person I know who can get weed, and the responsibility sucks. I�m going tonight to pick up. Yey. Pick up and deliver. Andrea, Vinny and my cousin�s husband. If I was smart I�d jack up the price and make a few bucks, but I don�t. I could get something lucrative going, I�m definitely in a position to, but drug dealing is just too high risk. That whole �illegal�, cops, and going to jail thing is enough of a deterrent for me.

Spellchecker is so annoying. �Yey� is spelled wrong (�yay� is wrong too, but �yea� is not. Fuck that), but �juts� and �ort� are words? In what language?

OMG and for the record, I missed one day of dland. It took me almost two hours to catch up last night, just reading and leaving notes. Holy crap. I�ve got way too much time invested in this thing, but I�m not planning on stopping. I would go into withdrawals.

Anyway, no pics right now. I did take more yesterday, but I�m too lazy to upload them right now. Besides, I should go be all domestic and shit. Maybe later. And hey! I know how to get to Fenway and Landsdowne from Children�s now. I never knew it was that close. I wasn�t paying attention, as usual. I�m going to plan a day, when it�s warmer, with the kids down there. They were dying to go downtown, �where the big buildings are, Mama!�, and I think they�d like the Museum of Science. I�d like to go to the Museum of Fine Arts, but I�m thinking the kids would be a pain in the ass there.

Anyway, this is long enough. Anyway, do I say anyway enough or what?

Anyway, sayonara!

Listening to: Something stupid. Cheesy disco station. "Born To Be Alive". WTF? I'm changing it.

Currently reading: "Switcheroo" Olivia Goldsmith.

Thinking about: A nap. Valium. Fucking kids. Stupid song. ADD in full effect!